Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Right, I was thinking we are comparing 2020 registrations to 2016 where you would have 4 years of new voters because those kids didn’t bother with the 2014 midterms so the numbers might look lower even though a greater %are registered. Just a guess though.

Not a bad way to think about my meaningless vote.


Thank you for sharing that. It makes an argument that I might actually be ok with rationalizing my vote for Biden with.

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This is legit genius. Post of the year.

Hi, is this the thread to talk about the people who criticized The Bros for wanting to figuratively burn it down but now apparently want to literally burn it down?


throwing literal bombs: good

throwing bomb emojis: bad!



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From the other thread

My take is still only half cooked. :shrug:


i literally just got to that post

The problem wasn’t wanting to burn it down, the problem was assessing the probability of being able to do it.

You’re gonna have to be more specific.

lol i’m here for this


Bernie’s chances (and, frankly, Warren’s, had their poll numbers been reversed) cratered once Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropped out. I consider that a fair tactic and not some sort of cheating, so I don’t feel any need to coddle butt-hurt Sanders supporters who think that the nomination was somehow stolen. Warren staying in the race had pretty much no effect on Bernie’s chances. Bernie needed some sort of game-changer event that completely changed how people viewed the race. COVID-19 wasn’t it. These protests aren’t it.

Bernie bros withholding votes from Biden in a general election were probably not going to swing an election that increasingly looks like it will effectively be a referendum on Trump’s first term in office. Whatever voters would go for Bernie but not Biden would probably be offset by defections from the center. I still believe that Bernie and Biden would get approximately the same number of votes against Trump.

If, as some fear, current events push “law and order” voters back towards Trump, that suggests to me that Bernie would probably scare a bunch of weak centrists and might under-perform slightly vs. what Biden would do against Trump, but that’s not a given and not enough for me to think that someone who only cares about beating Trump should obviously pick Biden.

I still think the best avenue towards blowing up the establishment, once Biden was in firm control of the primary race, was to find a way to force Biden to accept a non-establishment running mate then have him die in office somehow. His pledge to nominate a woman had the effect of decreasing the pool of progressives who could be tapped. It might be best to push for someone unknown like Stacey Abrams who has no firm record and gamble that she will turn out to be much more progressive than the establishment expected.

My take is well done but it’s an earth scorcher.

The thread below is somewhat related; read the replies if you want to catapult yourself into orbit:


lmao at “Warren staying in the race had pretty much no effect on Bernie’s chances”

Just pure derangement

Liz Lads - Did Warren’s actions over the last say, 7 months help, or hurt people making less than 50k a year with no insurance?

Would you say that it is good or bad that she took 15 million dollars from Karla Jurvetson?

Just forget about your hate for Bernie supporters for one second and ponder whether working class people were helped, or hurt by her actions in the Democratic Primary.

Her plan was dumb as fuck too

“And finally, no later than my third year in office, I will fight to pass legislation that would complete the transition to full Medicare for All. By this point, the American people will have experienced the full benefits of a true Medicare for All option, and they can see for themselves how that experience stacks up against high-priced care that requires them to fight tooth-and-nail against their insurance company.”

Imagine doing this for a policy that 69% of voters already support. Idiotic and only lets big money get a foothold and worm through the cracks. Ridiculous.



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no but srsly ty for the reply however i think we’re talking about two different things

Anyone who thinks that Bernie would have won if Warren had dropped out is deranged.

I thought you were talking about the idea of not voting for Biden and maybe even voting for Trump so that his second term would blow up the Democratic establishment. I’m fine with people who want to do that. I think people should vote their conscience. I just don’t think it will matter much.

Ok, that is a small part of it, but the bigger part is everything before, how Bernie’s policies would “burn down” existing systems. Even here it was described that way, how M4A wanted to burn down the current healthcare system, or more generally the communism socialism social democracy would burn down capitalism.

p.s. “everything before” meaning since 2015