Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Yep Biden bros have shown they hate everyone that isn’t a WASP

Is “Biden bros” a blanket term for all Biden supporters?

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It’s called projection.

He’s doing a bit, mocking the disingenuous charges of sexism levelled at Sanders supporters by some ITT.

Better… :+1:



Good, you’re finally getting it!


I’m sure it will work this time

I can’t possibly imagine what is different in 2020 compared to 2016? Hmmm.

The centrist shitlibs haven’t faced any sort of rebuke from the online community. Good point.


great news guys

The take down of the prosecution’s blood spatter experts is one of the funnier / scarier parts of the documentary The Staircase. The dude is a complete clown and they’re using him to put people away for very serious crimes (I guess you don’t really need a blood spatter expert to prosecute jaywalking but still, it’s shocking how juries are just totally without skepticism).

Edit for lols:

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they brought one in for when I was a juror on a 1st degree murder trial, it didn’t matter in terms of the story as their was an eyewitness and everyone ignored him, but one of his directionality statements stuck out to me as being incorrect as it didn’t align with the witnesses testimony and all the other droplets of blood. No one mentioned him in the jury room after the day he testified.

I know the demographic here is not representative of the country as a whole, but I’m curious…

How many of you would be volunteering for Bernie’s general election campaign right now if he were the presumptive nominee? If yes, are you volunteering for Biden currently?

Have any of you been contacted by a Biden volunteer yet by text or phone? How many people does he have volunteering? How many would Bernie have at this point?

I believe Bernie would have had a record breaking number of volunteers with great enthusiasm. Trumps campaigned recently broke the 1 million call mark (or so I heard on facebook). The enthusiasm gap is problematic.

I’ve had Bernie text me asking to donate to Biden or something.

I did not.


I constantly get texts asking me to donate to Biden. I snap delete and try not to spend too much time thinking about what a piece of shit Joe Biden is.



Is this the right place for this? I’m gonna go with yes.


Bernie’s volunteer team was huge, went balls out, and would have been insane for the general.

A bunch of us volunteered in some capacity for Bernie. My interest waned a lot after Super Biden Tuesday.