Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Link is broken, but can you imagine being pissed that Bernie voted to not hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes committed with guns and then voting for someone who voted to drop hundreds of thousands of bombs on Iraq?


I didnā€™t give a shit about the Rogan thing, but if Coulter endorses Biden and Biden tweets it out, Iā€™ll probably be grossed out. I mean, not a whole lot because the Biden candidacy already has me pretty near max nausea, but enough to ā€œcondemnā€ him for it or whatever the preferred word is.

(ETA: this is actually almost like a likely thing to happen. Although I imagine if she ever got that far, sheā€™d just say sheā€™s not voting, not that sheā€™s actually endorsing Biden.)

Fixed the link. The guy may or may not have been planning to vote Sanders this time around, Iā€™m just using his article as evidence the controversy predated Sandersā€™ tweeting the clip.

Anyway, there will be plenty of double standards, but this is not the one that guy is looking for.

I think some people were legitimately bothered by the Sanders campaign embracing the Rogan endorsement. It may or may not be true that it caused AOC to distance herself, but it is certainly true that Rogan is a troublesome figure for those who see identity politics as a key part of the Democratic coalition.

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OK, this got me into her feed, hoping for some reason that the r-word was Rapist.

I am disappoint.

Counterpoint, no.

So randos did to Sandersā€¦exactly what other randos are doing to Biden. Shocking stuff. We really need a permanent ignore here.

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Fuckin-A right, buddy. Jesus Christ.

I mean seriously, I just proved you wrong. Thatā€™s what just happened. Absolutely one-hundred-percent Go Fuck Yourself territory here, you total fucking asshole.

Slightly mad here, must admit.

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Sweet Christmas

My allergies usually start acting up when the purity tests are in bloom.

Is your stance that anyone who expressed discomfort about Rogan vis-Ć -vis Sanders is doing so because they hate Bernie and the Jews? Are you claiming that everyone loved Rogan until he supported Sanders, then turned on Rogan simply out of Bernie-hate?

I really put a lot more effort into backing up what I was saying than most people would, I clearly acknowledged the validity of what he was saying and politely, by message-board standards, clarified that what he was referring to didnā€™t negate what Iā€™d been saying.

Itā€™s just not worth it, people just arenā€™t interested in anything like an actual discussion, they just lie and do weird autobiographical fan-fiction or whatever.

The last time AIF pulled this charade he linked an astroturf account. Linking the wife of one of the biggest known internet trolls is a step up for him.


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I wasnā€™t sure if that Ms. Krassenstein account was a joke, but those 2 brothers were among the maybe 5 accounts Iā€™ve bothered to mute on twitter. And perhaps the only non pro Trump ones.

Absolutely true. I think I do way better than average at giving people a fair listen, but Iā€™m super spotty at it. I will usually listen to people I like, but I have to make a special effort to be really fair to people Iā€™m even indifferent to, let alone dislike. I could be wrong I guess, but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m still more fair/in-good-faith than most.

(I donā€™t really real-world dislike anyoneā€¦thinkingā€¦maybeā€¦one person who doesnā€™t post here anymore probably qualifiesā€¦one troll maybe)

Definitely a great idea to shit your pants going out to bat for their supposed non-hpyocrisy then, great use of a Sunday evening.

You definitely are.