Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Did Joe Biden proudly accept an Anne Coulter endorsement? That’s a big mistake.

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I don’t know if Biden made any kind of fuss about the Rogan endorsement (he may have) but I don’t think ‘these people’ is meant to include him in any case.

Jacobin writers are putting out Obamagate articles and retweeting Trump ads, but sure let’s post a random Krassenstein tweet to make fun of.

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If you want to criticise that, criticise it, but don’t kid yourself doing so works as any kind of shield to protect your beloved centrist shitlibs from any and all criticism.

Yea man if there’s one thing no one has been allowed to do this entire election cycle is criticize Joe Biden.

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It wasn’t a criticism of Joe Biden.

“These people” complained about Sanders accepting the Rogan endorsement and wanted the campaign to distance itself from a guy who’s said very noninclusive things on gender and race. Doesn’t seem at all analogous to rando twitter accounts ironically agreeing with Ann Coulter.

Again, these are the same.

Meh, if she actually “savaged” Trump (not gonna go to her feed), then it’s also totally reasonable for any person to attempt an ironic #I’mWithHer tweet, in which they say they approve of Trump getting savaged, and not that they actually support that ghoul.

Seems like someone running high on perceived grievance looking for conflict.

Several someones, evidently.

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I only see the one from LegacyZero, or whoever. But yeah, he’s probably not the only aggrieved one trying to call “these people” hypocrites for enjoying Coulter take on Trump.


Oh, OK, I see your confusion. My bad. I was saying the guy mad about Rogan is probably just looking for conflict and doesn’t reflect a lot of others.

But, yeah, I imagine thousands of people on the left are experiencing weird moments of joy at Coulter telling her followers that Trump sucks.

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You have to keep reading. They were complaining about Sanders accepting an endorsement from a bigot. That hasn’t happened here. Of course if Coulter actually endorses Biden and he proudly accepts people will be justifiably irate.

I scanned it - she called him the “r” word - and also that Kris Kobach is the only hope.

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IIRC there was contention as soon as Rogan came out for him about whether Sanders would confirm the long-suspected red-brown alliance by not denouncing it, and calls for him to disavow etc. Will Biden be subject to these same calls? Will it be loudly and repeatedly assumed that if he doesn’t disavow it, he’s endorsing everything Coulter has ever said about anything?

The answer is no, obviously, and that’s the double standard being referred to. No Bidens have been harmed in calling attention to it.

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That’s not even close to what happened. Sanders tweeted a video of Rogan endorsing him. That started the conversation and “controversy”.

Yeah, but Biden is a handsy moron who sponsored the mass incarceration legislation, is campaigning against M4A, and campaigned for the Iraq War.

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No one actually cared about the Rogan endorsement they just don’t like Jews and were doing everything they can to take down Bernie.

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January 23rd:

January 22nd, medium post:

And he twice voted to protect gun companies from liability if their products were used in violent crimes (this is why I voted for Hillary in the 2016 primary). And Joe Rogan endorsed him. With Bari Weiss on as his guest.

Jan 22nd:

I understand, believe me, that there was indeed a second wave of controversy over Sanders’ tweeting the clip etc. It’s not what I’m talking about. I’m not about to dredge through dozens of twitter threads, just accept that a bunch of people on twitter that you’ll never meet are occasionally hypocritical in their political discourse. It really doesn’t seem like any skin off your nose.