Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Oh good 6ix is here, 14 hours too late, to whine about good faith. But of course he “forgot” to include this post. You are right 6ix motherfuckers don’t even read the posts.

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Ok, my mind is officially, thoroughly blown.

To a black man: “…then you ain’t black.”

On a media channel that draws a significant non-white and young audience. Sweet fuckin’ candidate you got there.

Did you just imply that I was operating in bad faith when I said mfs don’t Read The Posts and post as your counterpoint a post wherein you clarify a mf didn’t Read The Posts? Because that’s wild.

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6ix: raised by wolves.

Consistent with when he had that white lady surrogate on CNN telling a black woman, wrongly, what Letter From Birmingham Jail akshully meant.

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That was Hilary Rosen, former RIAA CEO and current money-machine swamp creature who was doing hit jobs on Bernie for HRC as well.

Just because @All-InFlynn didn’t want to play that game doesn’t mean the game isn’t there to be played.

On one of Preet’s podcasts, he recommends My Cousin Vinny as being one of the best lawyer movies ever made and he’s absolutely right about this.Inherit The Wind is very good, Twelve Angry Men is meh, but My Cousin Vinny gives you real-world life lessons. Like, never, ever say anything to the cops without a lawyer present because even if the cops are well-meaning, they can still misconstrue things and fuck you over. It’s a pretty smart lesson there. It’s a good lawyer movie on every level.

What I never realized until this day is that My Cousin Vinny is actually an idealized representation of how the law is supposed to work and the reality is that the cops in the real world will pull some crazy hobo off the streets to serve as an expert witness against you while your public defender is busy popping bennies in the bathroom.

And like, it’s not even fucking hard to just ask a college to see if if some expert witness actually does hold a degree from whatever institution like they claim. I can’t understand how it isn’t standard practice for every paralegal or intern or whatever to do a routine checkup on the credentials of any expert witness for the prosecution who is brought forward. Some dude went to jail for life because the defense couldn’t be bothered to check up on the credentials of an expert witness who lied about her degree.

Like, there’s a podcast I listen to about pseudoscience and faith healing bullshit and the first thing the hosts do is they check up to see if these quack doctors actually have legit credentials (spoiler: they never do). And that’s just a stupid podcast, why don’t real world law firms have some intern who checks up on this shit?

One reason is the attorneys who do criminal defense work don’t have interns. A public defender might have between 50 cases for homicide to a couple hundred for low level felonies.


Honestly, in hindsight Inherit the Wind is just dumb West Wing bullshit. The hero tries to out-Bible the creationist idiot. What the fuck, man.

Drummond calls Brady himself to the witness stand. Brady’s confidence in his Biblical knowledge is so great that he welcomes this challenge, but becomes flustered under Drummond’s cross-examination, unable to explain certain Biblical events, until he is forced to confess that at least some Biblical passages cannot be interpreted literally

In the age of Trump, who thinks things ever play out this way? You’re not going to hoist the MAGA chuds on their own petards with bible study bullshit, just shut the fuck up. Stop appealing to the Bilble to explain evolution, stop playing their game.

Even IRL the judge agreed lol:

The confrontation between Bryan and Darrow lasted approximately two hours on the afternoon of the seventh day of the trial. It is likely that it would have continued the following morning but for Judge Raulston’s announcement that he considered the whole examination irrelevant to the case and his decision that it should be “expunged” from the record.

It’s not clear if he quoted Billy Madison before banging the gavel, but you’d like to think so.

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Also Marisa Tomei

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What’s more, Trump nearly got reëlected until the media did its homework.

The thing that gets me about My Cousin Vinny is that after the case, the judge/prosecutor/cops all focus on congratulating Joe Pesci on his good lawyering and show no remorse or introspection about the fact they were going to execute two innocent kids. Like it doesn’t bother them at all.

So you like escapism in film rather than cinema verite kind of stuff?

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This seems like the most realistic part of the movie to me.

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