Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

More or less. It’s just bizarre to me that he’s the nominee. 2016 taught me serious humility but I have my doubts he can win.

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He probably qualifies if Reade does, but it’s not nearly as relevant. Raping someone is something you’d easily expect a non-fabulist to lie about, so it doesn’t really move the needle imo.



I suspect the more you learn about how criminal justice actually works the higher your lawnmower will orbit.


UHC for African-Americans. This would have the most significant aggregate effect on the cost curve.

There’s an opening for Reade’s legal counsel if you want it.

I will never stop believing her, because to do so would be to admit I was wrong (paraphrased).

About their qualifications?

Child, please.

I crossed an expert that had been convicted of perjury in the same type of case he was retained in against my client.

He must have had a competitive rate!

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Good thing he’s such a dishonest opportunist and the left is so elite at persuasion!

Probably needs some remedial work on how to #believewomen. Also, women who get dropped by their lawyers get raped at the same rate as other women. That’s just math.

He still believes her, he says.

Game recognize game, I suppose.

Maybe he does. I saw he took a fairly vague shot at the media. He can’t really say anything else though as dropping a client and then expressing any doubt about their credibility is both terrible for business and prejudicial to their case.

Of course. Actions speak louder, &c.

Fuck, I was hoping it was just this thread.


this is the start of bad faith inception

Motherfuckers don’t even Read The Posts.