Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

It’s sort of insane that these expert witnesses aren’t vetted at all in criminal trials. gjge, legal system. I thought this shit was supposed to work like My Cousin Vinny where they actually check to see if the expert witnesses are qualified.

I’m on record as believing her but this doesn’t look good. Apparently her lawyer has dropped her too.

Not sure how it works in US. Here I’ve been an expert witness a few times. We always just affirm our experience and enter a cv into record. Never seen anyone object or even question it.

I’m agnostic on whether she’s telling the truth or not. But I imagine it is pretty common for expert witnesses to lie. They know who’s paying them they like to be rehired and they probably like to give testimony that their employers like to receive.

It depends on a wide range of different things, including the type of case and the expert’s role. But experts are almost always asked about their background and credentials and the testimony they give is under oath.

Police certainly lie under oath. I’ve fought two tickets in court and the cop flat out lied in one case.

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If no one bothers to check their credentials, what’s the fucking point? Any defense lawyer could have written an email to the university to verify her degree. I guess My Cousin Vinny gave me unrealistically high expectations for how the legal system works.


If an expert says they have 3 phd’s or whatever someone in a civil case may look into it, but this is an expert simply claiming that she graduated from college. Also, the defense lawyer is probably a public defender with a ton of cases and no budget or support staff.

Otoh, landlords! (who charge you $200/mo and then you steal their law books.)

Surely the police must be abusing the fuck out of this if they can pull some whackadoodle off the street to give false testimony in a domestic abuse case and no one ever bothers to look into it.

The fact that sane people don’t do that is why there’s not more protection against people doing it. It’s a BFD that she did it.

Besides, it take more effort than just lying, which is the sweet spot for cops.

If you cross examined an expert and proved they didn’t graduate from college, it’d be like an automatic win. High risk, low reward. It’s crazy people stuff.

At an office I worked at it turned out the other side’s expert was a convicted pedo. This was a patent case and he was like a comp sci PhD. I wasn’t on the case and am not sure how it played out. If it came up in his expert deposition he was probably off the case the following day.

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So Biden cuts him off afterwards and yells “Look at my record!”

Biden is not technically the nominee yet, I don’t understand why we are even talking about Tara Reade and not talking about how the Democrats can nominate someone else.


Roland Soltesz, a criminal defense lawyer in Monterey, told the Times that he believes Reade’s testimony significantly swayed the outcome of that 2018 trial in which his client received a life sentence for attempted murder, arson, and armed robbery. He is now looking to reopen the case, according to the Times.

It’s just wild that some “expert” can put a man in jail for life and no one checks up on their credentials but if there’s a patent dispute or a politico gets accused of rape, then suddenly everything gets vetted.


There are two main ways I see the Democrats nominating someone else. One way involves the delegates being allowed to select someone who is not Bernie. The other involves the DNC selecting someone who is not Bernie.


How do you rate replacing him via the VP pic after dropping out for health reasons, whether before or after the election?

I’m not sure what you are asking me to rate.

The process seems pretty clear. Replacing him if he drops out or dies before a convention is up to the delegates, in theory. This will probably result in the decision being in the hands of (mostly) elected Democrats acting as super-delegates. If he needs replacing after the convention, it’s up to the DNC to replace him. They might choose his VP pick, but maybe not.

In either case, I don’t see a path to Bernie being the nominee, unless something strange happens. If he dies after winning the general election, his running mate should become president.

I’m happy to grant that Sanders won’t be the nominee, that’s very clear. I should have made it clear I’m assuming this is after the convention, so that he is in fact the nominee (or, theoretically, the President or President-elect) when this happens.

ETA since in the latter case that’s obviously just straightforwardly what would happen, to be clear I’m wondering how likely it is that that’s simply the plan.

So she attended an undergraduate program but never graduated, then she graduated from a law school later? She’s also worked in a senators office and served as an expert witness many times over a decade? I need to start just straight up lying about my credentials because apparently nobody checks anything.

How did Joe lie about his academic credentials? Is the “he said” part of this a fabulist?

I don’t think anyone is planning to use Biden as a placeholder so that they can get their preferred candidate into the White House, if that is what you are asking.