Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Rotfl. What a fucking stupid analogy. If you have no ground to stand on erect a racial argument.

The fight for M4A is lost (for now) and itā€™s not Warrenā€™s fault.

The options are to say that only M4A matters or to seek to acquire secondary objectives.

Itā€™s a summary lol. Not about you alone.

Obviously this.

So itā€™s bad faith trolling not aimed at anyone?

Latersā€¦ :v:

This is totally good faith?

How about you donā€™t cry literally 2 posts after doing the exact same thing.

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Donā€™t forget to pay the piper on the way out.

It is a good analogy for understanding why people who disagree with you do so with such vigor. They see health care as a basic human right and M4A as the only way to protect that right. So, to them, you come across as someone who is saying that there are people who are unimportant, whose rights donā€™t matter, which is how some people view non-whites.

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Fair enough but letā€™s take it to extreme. In a hypothetical world you have only two options, UHC for only one race or no coverage for anyone. Which do you choose?



Where I differ from you is that I think a person in good conscience can take either path. I accept that a reasonable person can choose to sit out this election on principle. I think people should act according to their conscience, but that conscience should be an informed conscience and I get annoyed when people cite inaccurate reasons for taking a certain stance.

It depends. If it was UHC for the less privileged race, then I would accept that.

Keep in mind that I am not a utilitarian, so a utilitarian argument wonā€™t win me over. I am more interested in decreasing inequality than in maximizing EV. I am willing to decrease the economy in a way that would also decrease inequality.

This is where I rub against the purists so hard because Iā€™m strongly of the opinion the best option is the one that results in maximum benefit or minimal suffering overall.

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Why are we still talking about Warren?

Biden committed a huge gaffe. Iā€™m sure there will be more to come, but shit like this drives down turnout and is pretty fucking significant.

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You want we should rail against Mayor Pete instead?

Gee no idea?

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Itā€™s cuz we hate women. Thatā€™s why we call Tara Reade a liar.

Bro that was sooooooo yesterday.

Is it common to perjure yourself in multiple criminal cases as an expert witness? Do you still believe her?

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