Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I did the foreign election interference for bernie. Lol biden though, you’re on your own with that one.

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Yes. No.

I dunno I think Biden vs Bernie kind of exposed the " enthusiasm " thing. Biden stomped in places he had zero campaigning in and Bernie had a lot. What matters is name recognition, being Obamas VP, and being a normal centrist Dem. Though maybe enthusiasm matters way less in a primary where its mostly party loyalists voting?

One scary thing I heard on NPR when I went for a drive yesterday is voting registrations have TANKED, though they mostly listed red states that are already fucked. Hopefully the four states that matter are doing ok on that front.


That’s weird, it must be very state state by state. I got 0 texts for Bernie or Biden. I only got maybe 3 texts total and all for Bloomberg lol. I’m in Texas fwiw. The most active campaign by far in my experience was Beto, senate run not presidential. I think I got over a 100 texts in 4-5 months. It actually got pretty annoying.

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Not sure how it works in most states, but there was a massive turnout surge in 2018 compared to 2014, so is it possible tons of people who would be registering now already are? You’d imagine the vast majority of people engaged enough to show up for midterms will show up for the presidential.

Texts? The Bernie campaign sends texts to donors and volunteers. I didn’t get any texts from Bloomberg. Did you donate and/or volunteer for Bloomberg?

Never donated or volunteered, these were cold texts. I’m not completely sure how they got my number, but I think it’s some app, so if you text them back it doesn’t go to their regular texts. Seems a bit unfair if you ask me.

Also got maybe 3 Bloomberg and one Bernie text. Haven’t been active in politics in several years.

I don’t think it has much to do with activity. It was sort of weird, I’m on a family cell phone plan with my sister and her husband, and my texts would always be start “Natalie, I want to talk to you about the election…” She would get texts addressed to her husband and they moved out of the state 5+ years ago.

In my state, contact info for voters and which party they pulled a primary ballot for is public record. I made calls for a while based on that info.

Even if registrations were much higher than normal in 2018, you still have 2 years worth of new potential voters (18 year olds, people who have just moved into the area, etc) that are probably getting registered at much lower rates simply because many of the typical registration methods are limited or completely stopped right now.

Biden is playing checkers while everyone else is playing chess. It’s political jujitsu: just let Trump’s own momentum carry him off the cliff to his death.

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Right, I was thinking we are comparing 2020 registrations to 2016 where you would have 4 years of new voters because those kids didn’t bother with the 2014 midterms so the numbers might look lower even though a greater %are registered. Just a guess though.

Not a bad way to think about my meaningless vote.


Thank you for sharing that. It makes an argument that I might actually be ok with rationalizing my vote for Biden with.

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This is legit genius. Post of the year.

Hi, is this the thread to talk about the people who criticized The Bros for wanting to figuratively burn it down but now apparently want to literally burn it down?


throwing literal bombs: good

throwing bomb emojis: bad!



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From the other thread

My take is still only half cooked. :shrug:


i literally just got to that post