Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

If that’s the timeline, I hope they burn down the courthouse in a year.

Maybe if you’re not paying attention and/or perceptive

It’s the same way the pussy protesters in Michigan had no problems “standing up” to the police while holding AR-15s. They know they are on the same team so there is no threat.


The higher the escalation of the response to this atrocity is, the better off society will be in the long run.

This doesn’t seem like a power that could be abused by bad people.

The only way to fight power is with power.

Can you tell me when the idiots in MI killed people with stray bullets and burned down buildings with citizens inside them?

Please don’t say they risked spreading the virus by gathering en masse: I think you’re smarter than that.

Are you seriously saying that the as yet unprosecuted murder of a black guy in broad daylight is equivalent to a bunch of people who can’t get their haircut?


Most of the cops don’t live in MPLS.

For example, the asian cop in the video lives out in Coon Rapids.

I just woke up like an hour ago, sat up all night till 7am here watching this, I was transfixed to some live feeds and stuff, truly frightening stuff.

Arresting the journalists and crew has got me even more angry than I though I could be.

From some accounts Chicago and LA may be next, maybe even tonight, I don’t honestly think it will kick off again tonight in minnesota as the ones that wanted to got there kicks in, fairly sure there be more protests though and the Cops will be as tough as they want to be, expected heads to be kicked in.

I don’t think this is stopping boys and girls, buckle up, with 40 mil unemployed and having seen loads of white folks in the riots I’d guess it definitely not the last major city to burn this year.

It is fascinating to consider that in the USA’s much less civilized days, Presidents sent in federal military to

  1. Allow black children to attend schools. (Eisenhower and Kennedy in 1960s)
  2. Fight on the side of black folks under attack by white citizens! (Grant in the 1870s)

It’s like a non sequitur dumb-off.

You don’t find my theory at all persuasive that they aren’t going to ever want to appear to be placating rioters, and therefore will wait until the streets are effectively occupied and pacified before doing shit… building burning & non-police casualties be damned?

There has always been the theory, which would be called a “conspiracy theory”, that LA 1992 was originally supposed to go down like this: the cops got convicted, and the cop bosses decided to teach a lesson and make a threat to civil society, that the cops can allow rioting at their whim. But instead what happened was this: the cops got acquitted, and the cop-bosses had sabotaged their own response such that when the shit really did hit the fan, they couldn’t do anything about it.

Anecdotally, lots of family members of rank&file LAPD officers were livid that their loved ones were unnecessarily put in harms way by these alleged maneuvers. A family member of a then top command level LAPD officer personally told me the same.

BINGO. If you like what’s happening in MN you’re basically rooting for GOP control. This is also BLM’s shortcoming: just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should, especially when it subverts what you purport to want to achieve.

waves hands

Did you know the people who couldn’t get their haircut were white?

Wow, you can arrest someone who killed another person in Minnesota?


The idiots in MI didn’t get hit with tear gas and batons. They were treated with the utmost respect by their police comrades.

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I’m reminded of something with fire.

I think that’s possible for sure. But the prosecutor for the county is a democrat. I guess I’m expecting better. It wouldn’t be the first time I was disappointed.