Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

According to my PD friend, this DA is in a run-off for re-election and he’s embroiled in an embezzlement scandal, so he’s not going to mess around on this

There is a counter protest in my part of Boston right now. NoT aLL cOpS aRe BaD!!!

Just hours after the latest cop to commit murder on video is charged with homicide.

GTFO Masshole dipshits.



Who said she was treated differently? (Slow pony parade!)

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Gaetz’ legendary capacity for love and compassion on display here.



“Was that a nerve?”


In before they both get off scott free, Rolfe gets hired as a cop somewhere else, and Bronson gets blackballed and never works again because he rolled over.




Maybe we need a thread to collect resources we’ve found helpful fighting racism (especially our own)? I almost started it but am stumped on the title, which as we all know is permanent.

Antiracism Resources Thread?



I wish this were insulting, but that kind of confusion is sadly not too far outside of my wheelhouse :P

Same, brother. Same. Well, not the exact same, but I was raised by deplorables. I get it.

I think I see the distinction you are making, such as in the way you and I sometimes act or speak out of ignorance.

I am still thinking through that. I generally think that ignorance or good intentions do not function as a qualifier to distinguish a racist from a non-racist. Most racists are well-intentioned, you know? But by that token, my view is that everyone is not so much racist per significado as working through various degrees of internalized racism. The people I will break from that and call racists are those who deny they have any racism to process.

Damn lol. Worth watching the longer clip.


Quotes followed by sort of paraphrase.

Cedrich Richmond: I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it is an unconscious bias that I’m hearing. Because at worst, it’s CONSCIOUS bias, and I would hate to assume that from any of the people on the other side.

Matt Gaetz: Will the gentleman yield?

CR: Sure.

MG: I appreciate your passion. Are you suggesting none of us have non-white children?

CR: WTF? WHAT? THE? @!$^$?! I reclaim my time.

MG: I’m just saying–

CR: I RECLAIM MY TIME. This is about Black people in the streets that are being killed. And if one of them happens to be your kid, I’m concerned about him, too. AND CLEARLY I’M MORE CONCERNED ABOUT HIM THAN YOU ARE.

Worth watching all 2 or so minutes.


Gaetz is the frat bro starting a fight from the safety of behind his fellow bros then running when the bros in front get punched down. Just a total pussy.




Thank you for the assist

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The GA cop charged with murder could be sentenced to death or life in prison.

Has to be an odds on favorite to not only walk free but get rehired, right?



The officer was literally just charged with felony murder, but Trump is not just saying the guy should get off, he’s saying it was the victim’s fault.

These protests will not stop anytime soon.