Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

What’s wrong with giving cops the same treatment that Maxine Waters advocated towards Trump administration officials?

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Damn, the Dems really want to ban a bunch of things that have already been banned and cops just keep finding loopholes out of

Remember when body cameras were going to be the answer

lmao Soledad fucking sucks, a millionaire horse girl married to a hedge fund manager who carries water for rich Democrats but was still too shitty a propagandist to keep her job at MSNBC

lmao, the effects of copaganda in a nutshell.


They probably have pre-ordering because they make more money that way. It locks you in as a customer and maybe they can hire fewer people to work the register.


You could be right. I was all for that and I may have spoken too soon before really thinking about it

Thinking I’M a victim of copaganda is absolutely hilarious :rofl: :rofl: :smile:

Rich horse girls WOAT

no-knock warrants have been banned? Qualified immunity has been ended? I lol @ the establishment Dems all the time, but this is a solid list of demands.




A fucking atrocious lack of empathy from people who say that. I’m not afraid of police because they represent a significant danger specifically to me. I’m afraid of them for the countless people they continue to brutalize and murder. Because I listen to the people who speak about their fear and the brutality they and their loved ones have suffered. The whole “but what have they done to YOU” question has turned into a huge indicator for me that a person can be ignored in perpetuity.

I’m not saying she’s special. I’m more saying no one should have to worry about their food being tampered with

There’s no bigger proponent of fuck the police than me. But they key to intelligent dialogue is being able to put yourself in the other side’s shoes. I know I wouldn’t want to worry about my food order because I’m being discriminated against. Then again, maybe find another profession? I’ve already told NotBruceZ that I have been spoke too soon and have to re-think it because I might be wrong. You can stop virtue signaling to me on how worthless police are

It’s becoming difficult to understand why anyone who isn’t desperate or a sociopath would even want to join the police in 2020.




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What reason do we have to think this is the case? Don’t all these “they tampered with muh fooood” claims end up mistakes from 70-IQ cops who forgot they took a bite out of their own burger?

I can only hope this woman’s behavior is performative, because if it’s genuine it seems more like someone having a psychotic break with reality than earned fear.


Sorry she doesn’t pass the nath purity test. My tent is bigger. I like her tweets, they’re powerful and direct. I don’t give a shit what she was born into or who she married.

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I didn’t even notice the username, just the avatar.

Well, conservatives are famously moronic about absurdist claims on Twitter:



Yeah Soledad annoyed me during the primary with her hot Bernie takes, but that’s ok, she’s still a worthy follow imo.