Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

That’s shades of the cockiness Hillary supporters had back in ‘16.


Hillary wasn’t posting multiple double digit poll leads from diverse polls in June 2016 was she?

I don’t get the Biden confidence here at all. It’s a flip in the betting market and it’s not like we trust him to gather any momentum.

DC right now. Couple helicopters in the air making rounds but not much else.


CNN has a string of guests all saying “Trump can’t send in the military, that would be against the law”.

Nobody has addressed what happens if he does it anyway.



I think it’s time Americans pay a closer look to Erdogan rise to power in Turkey and his means of undemocratizing it.


I know, right?

Can’t take anything for granted. This win in 2020 has to be big enough that rigging simply wouldn’t be possible.


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Pound for pound shes the best character of the series.

Just heard a bunch of gunfire around me.


I’d still be shocked if Biden won. Trump will just campaign on fear - end of civilised white christian society, communist revolution bringing their guillotines, white flight, taking ma guns etc. He only needs to win Wisconsin and Pennsylvania no? (Assuming he retains NC and FL - maybe he doesn’t)

i think there is reason for optimism at least right now though, check out these two polls.

A 7 point jump for Biden since late march with all adults.
8 point jump for Biden with registered voters.

yes those four he wins barring an upset elsewhere in FL/GA/TX

My head tells me Biden wins in an absolute massacre. My heart refuses to believe it.


lol at thinking we will have elections during civil war 2


Please don’t bet on it


I don’t remember exactly when, but there were polls at various times that showed her with a double digit lead, yes. Right after access hollywood came out which was much closer to the election I think she was pulling double digits.

Edit: Here’ the 538 Sorkin fantasy about Clinton winning states like fucking Nebraska and Mississippi becuase even a few polls had her up double digits in August:

She had a +12 poll 2 weeks prior to the election from one of the major good ones. The key isn’t to look at margins but numbers like a recent one that had biden stay the same but trump lost 4, expect that 4% to come back later.

I think it’s time Americans pay a closer look to Erdogan rise to power in Turkey and his means of undemocratizing it.

I’m dating a Turkish grad student right now… proud to say she sent me this today: