Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

This is what the people want to hear, including most of the Democratic Party. It’s why I think the outcome is predetermined at this point. The right has figured out that all they have to do every single time this happens is turn it into mass riots.

Like the public in this country was so outraged they were on board, for the most part, with torching the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis and willing to look the other way on the rest of it there… But once it spread nationwide, it began to matter more than justice to most people.

Prepare for a lot of “Yes, but Antifa” and once so-called Antifa is gone it’ll be “Well, you know, justice and equality takes time, it’s a slow process, blah blah bullshit bullshit.”

To be clear, that’ll be coming from “allies” on the “left” who vote for Democrats.



(Widespread jailing of members of the press)

Preet: this is highly unusual!

All Cops Are Bastards!

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These ABC News chodes on this feed.


so mr. “defending my store from protesters with a sword” turns out to be a massive douche


If my concierge was overpowered

The man took up a sword to defend a place called Billy Can Can? JFC.

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What is it with these motherfuckers and their haircuts? Jesus man get some clippers it’s not the end of the goddamn world.


Lack of masks and non existant distancing has really pissed me off with this.

Tories are fucking things up really badly wrt to opening up and now they get a gift to explain the 2nd wave that is already on the way.

Ok Chrome users. If you’re like me then you’ll find that embedded twitter videos play in incognito mode but not your normal one. If that’s the case then hopefully also like me all you need to do is delete your twitter cookies. To do that check out the following convoluted guide:

  1. Click the 3 vertical dots on the top right of the browser
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  8. Click on the garbage bin
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  10. Voila (hopefully).
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Who are you referring to here? I hope it’s not Sonya.

If the protests are restricted to the largest cities it will be hard to credibly blame an upturn in infection rates in other places on them.

all they need is the tiniest of whatever - chuds aren’t following any science. The 2nd wave will be kicking in in alot less the 14days but that won’t matter a jot.

If they were 1/25 as outraged by the death of black men by police as they are by the theft of fucking shoes maybe something would change.


and they keep saying “you know it’s such a shame that these small groups of looters are taking away from the main message”. THAT’S FUCKING YOU DOING THAT! You’re in control of the fucking cameras.


Democratic politicians are waiting for some poll to tell them that the American people blame the cops more than they blame the protesters for the social unrest.

If they were leaders, they would either be pushing for what is right, regardless of the polls, or trying to change public opinion. And I’m not even questioning whether they really want what is right. They’re looking for a safe path and are too afraid to fail.


Maybe, but even chuds know they’re being conned when it’s as blatant as this, as the Cummings fiasco has shown: Johnson’s popularity rating is now at -30 and there’s a clear sense of the jitters among senior Tories and backbenchers.

He knows full well he won’t be allowed to contest the next GE if he continues to haemorrhage support.


sorry if this pic got posted and if not, well it can get posted again


The plan after step #1 is rinse (a period of truce) -and- repeat. The plan, if you want to call it that, is to take what you can when you can. While always “forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old”.

Nobody could have predicted five months ago capitalism would be in a collapsed state, and the powers-that-be have lost control of streets of the US. But here we are. There is no preordained path or “uplift of history” that says A->B->C-> paradise. There are no paradises anyways. Who knows what comes next? All we can do is be as organized as we can be to deal with it… and take advantage of it.

This isn’t a reasonable goal. Not for us. “There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on…”

However, the capitalists craves their so-called ‘peace’ so they can violently export profits. We can offer them this ‘peace’, as a temporary truce state. But we better get something really big, and something we can enforce ourselves, in return.