Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Yeah I guess the upside is when this is over, on the surface, “normal” won’t be that much different from “normal” a few weeks ago. We just won’t be able to do these protests anymore.

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“You know what solves it?” he said. “When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great.”

Donald Trump on fox 2014

no, not a master plan but he’s perfectly fine with this

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Haven’t really slept in three nights. This certainly seems like many of our worst fears of a Trump presidency finally coming to pass. It’s seemed obvious to me for a while they were planning to use the vague “antifa” label in this way. Probably about time to go with full time VPN usage. The force that is about to be unleashed on the American people is obviously not one that can be fought in a conventional manner. Encourage everyone to organize locally.

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Right he’s capable enough to watch it burn for a few days or weeks, blame the Dems, and then squash the big bad liberals with tanks and guns.

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I’ll clarify here, I’m not saying you don’t understand this, I believe JT saying this is it, is quite correct because it will shift the balance one way or the other.

That’s almost exactly what I said… Women’s March? Bunch of Karen’s who go to DC in pink hats, get lattes from Starbucks, cheer and march, then go out to eat? Yeah, sure, whatever lol liberals.

Anybody actually trying to enact change? Life in jail.

To be clear I don’t mean to denigrate all the people who go to Women’s Marches. I go. But it’s clearly not a threat to the right wing government’s established power.


:ok_hand: + some

I’ve been smoking all day… :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:



All good. I’m sure I’m a little all over the place trying to explain my thoughts. Wish I was over there. I don’t often use weed, but damn I could use some right now…

Respectfully disagree.

A bully acts up the most right before he gets exposed as a fraud. The cops know they’re in a precarious position. The power structure knows it too.

Thousands of people are becoming “activated” right now. Once people experience what Direct Action and solidarity feels like, its addictive and acquiescence won’t ever satisfy again.


Honestly, right now. This very moment. Is the most hopeful I’ve been in years. It’s beautiful.


I now have the answer I was seeking earlier when questioning this tweet about what we were meant to be thanking them for … restraint apparently


Protest needs a bill to rally toward something like:

federal agency to investigate complaints against police.

demilitarization of police

investigate and fire officers with existing complaints

Must have black officers equal to local population

fine/punish all officers in a department when one of them fucks up

50% female police force

Stop shitty bail rules

Stop racist sentencing

:joy: thanks for the laugh. I needed that to cheer me up during these dark times.

It’ll go on as long as Trump and/or the power structure wants it to go on. When they want to quash it, they will.

I really, really hope you’re right.

I felt that way up until he designated Antifa as a terror organization, and someone pointed out that he’ll easily apply it to all left wingers.

4 pm curfew in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills lol.

Thank you!

Email from the alderman where my condo is.
