Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I’ve experienced unbelievable amounts of white privledge. Which is weird because I also look like a young stoner. Well all my experience with police was when I was younger. But I’ve pretty much always had long hair and looked like a young stoner. I was a dumb and reckless kid and used to drive home drunk from parties all the time when I was younger. I really didn’t know better and didn’t really consider how I was putting others lives in danger. Honestly even my friends always wanted to ride with me when we were younger because I always drove super slow and safe and back then none of us even knew anyone who had gotten a DUI so it wasn’t really anything we were worried about.

Anyways I was probably pulled over 6 times while under the influence and every single time was let go with a warning. Obviously it was completely justified and I absolutely should have gotten a DUI and gone to jail. It would have been the right thing to do. But nope always let go with a warning. The last time I ever drove drunk I crashed my car into a tree going back to my girlfriends house with her in the car. We fucking left the scene to go back to her house which was like a block away so I could drink water etc. We came back like an hour later, and my girlfriend argued heavily in my defense but still, I was definitely drunk and they still let me go lol. After that I realized how much of a complete fucking scumbag I was being and never drove drunk again, but still I could have killed both of us and no cop ever tried to stop me.

Another time when I was 16 with a driving permit, which means I wasn’t allowed to have anyone in the car. and I had 6 people in my 4 seater car and we all had beers. I jokingly swerved and a cop pulled me over. Everyone hid their beers but you could definitely smell it. I just told the cop I was avoiding a pothole and he let us go lol.

Even as a lil skateboard punk cops were always super nice to me and believed me and were super forgiving.

I’m still standing here saying fuck the police. I look back on how privileged I was and it pisses me off even more and makes me realized how fucked up that was. I absolutely should have gotten in trouble multiple times and not only did I not have to worry about being harassed but I was shown immense favoritism because I was white and probably sounded smart to them or something. I wasn’t even driving a nice car as a kid, I had a beat up car. Makes no sense to me, but I still think most cops are evil pieces of shit, they just thought we were on the same team.


yeah, we are in agreement.

So I’ve always been on board with this thinking, with the caveat of a plan after step one.

What happens after the strikes and the infrastructure disruption? How do we move from point A (strikes, disruption, take back the power) to point B (living in relative peace and harmony.) What are the steps to get there?

They might just smile and laugh at, say, the women’s march. They don’t allow stuff that actually leads to change. The opposition will be a punching bag that professionally takes the L… Sort of like it has been the last several years. They will want the illusion of freedom and democracy.

Literally no threat and they just light him up


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I’m watching damn near a parade of state troopers down I-95 South into Philly. Six in under a minute. Meanwhile I’m looking at my neighborhood at people chilling on their stoops like it’s a normal beautiful day. This country is about to fall and we’re going to fall while 50% of folks are chilling at brunches and drinking a beer on the porch, most of the rest of us are watching in abject horror, and a few brave souls are getting their teeth kicked in on national television as the “liberal” media cheers on the police.

This is probably the end we deserve.

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Bow and arrow guy in SLC trying to trying to play the victim is amazing.

The best part is that they asked him if he’s going to the hospital to get treated and he said he can’t because he’s unemployed and doesn’t have insurance lmaooo

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Now that’s a lawbro who gets things done!


I just had a moment of clarity standing on my terrace. It’s over, we lost. Trump’s been waiting for this moment since he took office, and now he gets to squash dissent once and for all. He’s letting it get worse and worse to justify it to more of the population. When he does it, most of the country, including at least 30% of the Democratic Party, will cheer him on. The rest of us will know that being arrested for non-sanctioned protesting = jail for life at best, a quick death as the middle outcome, and torture → death at worst.

I guess we’re drawing to two outs:

  1. SCOTUS saves us somehow, and somehow Trump obeys the order

  2. Trump’s too stupid to seize this moment he’s been waiting for and fucks it up while Putin, Erdogan, etc laugh at him.

Dude I know it looks bad but come on man, you’re assigning too much credit here to him and I don’t think it’s that bad.


Giving trump credit for some master plan is just objectively wrong. It’s literally impossible based on what we know.


And it’s definitely not over, if I had to say, I’d say we we are jut getting started as to really fighting.


Unofficial Bloodborne account ready to watch it all burn.


Sounds like something a lot of good and smart people would say in Germany in early March 1933.

It all ready is, that’s why we have a protest, black people in you’re community can not speak out to power without power taking it out on the black population with violence.

He doesn’t need to be the master planner, he has Stephen Miller for that.

Wow. Listening to Sen Marsha Blackburn on Fox. What a bleeping imbecile.