Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

What about in Chrome?

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Any idea how to do this for Chrome? I got to the site settings for UP but I can’t figure out which of the ~ 20 choices I need to set to “allow”. (The videos used to play for me and recently stopped even though I never changed any settings intentionally.)


Citywide LA curfew back on tonight at 8PM





I’m sure the MAGAturds are outraged.

Indy curfew tonight at 8.

Someone just made a great point. When Trump declares Antifa a terrorist organization, there’s no like definition of Antifa. What is Antifa to a MAGA supporter? What is Antifa to a Republican? It’s any left wing protester who doesn’t protest in the way they approve of, or in reality, it’s any left wing protester.

They are literally in the process of criminalizing all dissent.

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Yes, like we could wake up tomorrow or Tuesday and dissent could be criminalized.

Are they contagious, and will you kiss me on the mouth?


It’s never going to be that overt.

Remember when you said this.


This is a cross between Kristallnacht and the Reichstag Fire.

This probably got posted up thread but if so I missed it…to me this is more disturbing than panicked split second reactions in the heat of the moment. Premeditated thuggery. Listen to their voices. It is impossible to behave that way and not be a monster.


What I mean was, there’s never going to be a ban on “dissent.” It’s going to be crushed by some real vague, broad criteria for what constitutes membership in antifa so that they can selectively target dissent they don’t like.


Prioritise your private life imo.

Sure, but “dissent they don’t like” is going to be almost all left wing demonstrations. Maybe not right away, but given time.

Listening to the Chicago police scanner and there are places being looted all over the city and they aren’t sending cops to most of them

Can we get people to protest this with a Spartacus moment of everyone declaring themselves to be Antifa?

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