Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The dude who came out to defend the bar was also bitching about his barber shop being looted or something.

Your need to calibrate. That’s a remarkably sexist take.


Read the whole post. I explicitly said it’s not everyone there, that I went, etc, but that the right wing will laugh at it as such and view it as a complete non-threat to their power or the existing societal power structures… Thus those sorts of demonstrations will be allowed.

And I could totally see angry dog choking lady from Central Park being someone who would go to the Womens’ March.

Lol @ “bravery to the point of stupidity.”

Edit: on the other hand, trying to hold off an angry mob with a sword is probably a lot braver than those white supremacist militia types with their assault rifles and fully body armor.

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Heading home with my eyes. TBD on COVID. Will post a TR later, but protest was incredibly peaceful and full of people passing out water. Possibly related, didn’t see a single officer all day.



This was the couple in the car whose car the police busted the windows out and then tasted them both


I both appreciate and hate the Karen meme. There are definitely tons of people who fit the Karen meme perfectly, but it still has a very sexist undertone. Besides, the Karenest Karen of all the Karens isn’t even Karen, it’s Donald Trump.


Semi just drove into protesters in Minneapolis. Not sure if he hit anyone.

The Karen meme smacks of incel sexist bullshit to me TBH and I wish people around here would stop using it.


i felt a certain amount of danger 3 blocks away, so i traveled 3 blocks towards the protest with a sword




That’s a bad take dude. You’re effectively marginalizing another minority rights movement by generalizing that a bunch of them are “Karens.”

Grunching cause there are so many posts.

Did I miss it or is Trump/Barr also listing the KKK as a domestic terrorism group?

Quit being a Karen jman


Yeah, I think he’s an asshole. He’s just a different kind of asshole than the ones who show up in full body armor with assault rifles.

I don’t even understand what is going on here. Are you just arguing about the number that are Karens (i.e., it’s less than “a bunch”). Or than none of them are Karens. Or that a bunch are Karens, but we shouldn’t be calling them that.

I think the biggest problem with the whole Karen meme is that it is fairly new and its meaning is evolving. Not everyone means the exact same thing when they say it, which contributes to these types of disputes to some extent.

incel sexist bullshit?

The problems is assuming that the self-centered asshole who called the police on the birder in Central Park is the “type of person to march in the women’s march.” It seems to imply that some of the women marching in the women’s march were doing so because they are self-centered and whiny and want everything (commonly accepted definition of Karen’s I believe), and it marginalizes the movement and has shades of sexism.

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Really? I see Karening almost exclusively from white women shaming their peers.

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This is fair, let me be clear: a lot of people who go to the Women’s March are good people, but they’re mainly there to experience a nice day out with their family/friends, take a few pictures, hold up a clever sign, and be about something for a day. Then that all goes away and it comes back out next year.

I don’t want to really denigrate that, per se, because it still puts them in like the top 5-10% of society on politics, but the point I’m making is that the march is not a big threat to the power structure as a result. It’s a once a year thing for a lot of people. Even what they’re advocating for isn’t a threat to society - it’s for improvements, but very much within the structure.

Now, it does inspire a lot of others to run for office and get involved and that’s wonderful, and there are some awesome people there who are literally about this all year long year after year…

So maybe I shouldn’t have used “Karen’s” to describe that, and I apologize, but I think the point that I was making still stands.