Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I didn’t think cuse was saying bolded. Here’s what he said:

There is a clear difference between bolded statement and what he said.

What he is saying is that dog park lady is one of multiple types of women who would go to such a March. Not that she was representative of the majority of march participants.


Source: Incel - Wikipedia

In addition to “Karen” I’ve heard both “Becky” and “Chad” used on this forum. It has real shades of incelism.


I don’t think ‘Cuse intended it that way, I agree.

That’s cool and all, Madam Mayor, but are they being charged?

Maybe, but how many women actually post on this forum? If they all disagree with me I guess I’ll shut up, but it has irked me every time I’ve seen it because it’s so damn similar to the incel language.

Just no dude, stop it. You’re old and out of touch. The Karen meme has nothing to do with incels. Pretty much everyone under 30 uses Karen/Becky and a lot of it is from minorities describing entitled racist middle aged white women who absolutely deserve to be shamed.

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I’m not sure what happened there, but it didn’t look like the truck was aiming for people. If anything it was angling away from the group on its left side.

I would like to speak to the manager of Unstuck and request this Karen derail get its own thread.



A better look, with a little more of the previous time to show just how crowded that highway was as he barreled down at them.

The first time I heard about the Karen meme was from my 25 y.o. female, mixed-race patient who was describing an obnoxious customer she was waiting on at Starbucks.


tanker got on that highway somehow and nearly ran people over

tl’dr stay safe

“Becky,” at least goes back way before incels and comes from the black community. If incels coopted it, that doesn’t mean it’s sexist when used in a different way 99.9% of the time.

Not sure how you’re getting from “incels use ‘Becky’ in a sexist way” to “Karen is sexist,”

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Yeah that’s not how I meant it, sorry for not being more clear.

Anyone who has spent time in a midwestern restaurant understands are appreciates the Karen meme. These people are so predictable, and we are not exaggerating. Imagine the kind of person who sends their $10 sirloin back at Outback then posts on Facebook about it. There are millions of them and they deserve every possible ounce of shame we can impose.


The entirety of LA County now on curfew at 6PM. That’s over 10 million people.

The Beckys and Karen’s here are known as Miss Prim, or as some would say mutton dressed as lamb.

It’s a old term.

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I feel sorry for my old neighbor - a 50-ish blonde mom of 2. Except she spells it Caren for some reason. I wonder if she feels the same brunt.

Honestly being told I’m not allowed to go out very much makes me want to go fuck some shit up.