Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I agree to a certain extent, but what impact has the Federal Government had on policing? It did some good in the days of Camelot, but the West Wing crowd has been living that fantasy while the Feds have non-stop fed the police departments of the United States with military hardware and surveillance programs. The executive department and legislative departments have been horrible for policing. The constitution and the judicial branch has done some good (and some bad). The constitution, if it would be followed, has some pretty good stuff that would affect policing.

I hope there’s an investigation over the grocery store and their call to the police. I don’t know the details but something tells me that George Floyd wasn’t exactly a dangerous master forger.

I’m sure they will, he once smoked weed in high school too. But that grocery store ordered his murder, so I want to know what he did.

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You are falling into their trap. It’s completely irrelevant if he was a criminal or angle. Neither justifies murder.

you’re falling into their trap. The grocery store shouldn’t be calling the cops over ‘writing bad checks’ because the dude is black. They are partially responsible for his murder and should be held accountable.

In a country that routinely calls the cops on black people for sleeping, eating or talking, I don’t think the grocery store should be off the hook automatically.

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Cops probably feel like they still have an advantage against a single gunman. What scares them is the potential for a mob, with or without guns (although it helps if the mob has guns), that believes that blue lives don’t matter. Arming individual citizens is less important than whipping up emotions and creating the potential for that mob if you are looking to create a disincentive for the police because at some point they are going to run out of bullets.

Hey lay off the 4 time gold medal winner will ya.






People are burning and looting buildings around the 3rd precinct building while the cops are occupied with protestors. My work isn’t too far down the street, wonder if they shut down tonight




:point_up_2: Cops vehicles getting SURROUNDED IN LA

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Tell those people where the cops live.


There at the Cops house who sat on George.


Now, tell them where the other three live.

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Unbridled capitalism ain’t got no time for another tiananmen square. USA#1

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This cop’s fucked. When you’ve lost Hannity and Bernie Keriug you’re done.


they’re saying an owner of a pawn shop shot him for looting