Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


they’re saying an owner of a pawn shop shot him for looting

This is all feeling very 1991 to me.


Oh shit, this is about to go from bad to real bad


Gonna be interesting when Trump gets reelected because this activates enough latent racism to flip Minnesota.

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Your edgelording about mobs and vigilantes attacking the instruments of state power is very libertarian.

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Let’s hope that’s not the reaction. The country getting progressively more out of control probably isn’t going to help Trump. We’re literally having to cower in our houses to stay alive in this term. Forget about surviving another one. If that doesn’t inspire a Biden election, then we deserve what we get.

Good cell phone footage for the prosecution.

Hell yeah!

Hannity’s a pussy mask-wearing RINO at this point.

Apparently, even a President with a community organizing background, who also liked to deport and drone more people than Trump, also did nothing to
curb police murder. Seems lack a trickier problem to solve than you’re letting on.

I would think a man would rising from the ranks of community organizing, and campaigning based in large part on it, would inspire growth in that sector.

And he did.

And it hasn’t done a damn thing to reduce police violence.

What kind of boot licking ass post is this? You going to show it to them?

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I still don’t get why a small part of the outrage isn’t directed at those who call the cops on every black men for no fucking reason.

they should burn down that grocery store.

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I don’t know, this one is ridiculously clear cut.

Maybe, and I don’t know, but seeing someone keep their knee on someone’s neck for 7 minuteswhile that person first says they can’t breathe, then stops moving, then has blood start coming out nose and mouth seems pretty fucking clear-cut to me.

Passing counterfeit bills is also at the lowest of the low end of criminal activity. It’s rarely successfully prosecuted. The feds don’t want to deal with it, and it’s fucking impossible to prove intent (that the person who was passing counterfeit bills actually knows that they were counterfeit, which is an element of the various state charges that would cover it).


Oh, right. Beating was '91, trial & riots '92.

To be the subject of a dozen complaints over a two-decade career would appear “a little bit higher than normal,” said Mylan Masson, a retired Minneapolis Park police officer and longtime police training expert for the state of Minnesota at Hennepin Technical College.

Just a little higher than normal. Apparently regular complaints are routine and nothing happens.


But, she added, anyone can file a complaint against an officer, whether or not it’s valid, and officers might be subject to more complaints if they deal with the public often… Masson said.
