Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

So, I missed a lot of the coverage on this. Trump, when asked, said it was a tragedy, right? And they’re keeping their eyes on it or some such nonsense?

He is so absolutely gonna find a way to blame the victim and/or “both sides” this thing if it stays in the media.

He doesn’t appear to be the boogeyman you are making him out to be.

Damn it, I hate the framing of this. It doesn’t matter if he was resisting or not. Nothing justifies the way he was treated, period.

not seeing anything in that interview that renders Yuv’s point invalid

and what the hell is that setup for the interview where he’s sandwiched between an unmasked guy and a masked guy

Wendy’s near the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis.


What did he do wrong? He thought he got a counterfeit bill so called police. Is he not suppose to do that?

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he really isn’t. not over 20 bucks. the end and somewhat predictable result was that a dude got killed over 20 bucks.


Don’t ever point American police at anyone unless you’re willing to have them shot. Maybe he could have called the Treasury Department.


Calling police, at least during an ongoing event (as opposed to “my house got burglarized yesterday”), should be treated at least as carefully brandishing a firearm.

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Jesus Christ. He did nothing wrong. The cops killed him. Not the shop Owner.

Holy fuck I hate the world so much people can’t even keep this completely obvious point clear. There is zero chance this ever gets solved when people can’t even make the most obvious and simple distinctions.

If you don’t see the difference between this shop owner and the lady with the dog you have totally lost the plot.


You’re the one not seeing nuance. No one said he’s the same as the cop or the lady in the park.

Just that his shop should be burned down.

Just because you “do what you are told” doesn’t absolve you in the least from the consequences of your actions… that’s IMO, YMMV.

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Congrats on your word salad. It has literally nothing to do with what we are discussing.

You know, comments like this are not conductive to a pleasant y/o useful discussion. Two reasons (1) you aren’t the arbitrator of what we are chatting about… and I directly responded to your own gibberish anyways, so WTF BBQ (2) it’s never conductive to a useful chat to be dismissive of a viewpoint without explaining why you are dismissive.

Cliffs: fuck off and eat a rock, asshole !!!1!

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His shop should not be burned down imo, but yeah, that was said.

Also, as a rule when someone says something was a “word salad” it wasn’t and the meaning was perfectly clear. This was no exception that rule. And of course it had everything to do with what’s being discussed.

You signalled by quoting me that you wanted to add to our discussion then made a totally unrelated point.

Who is the they?

lol at calling the cops over a possible fake 20


lol your police are roided out military cosplayers and there’s a race riot of poors and you guys are debating exactly how much blame the shopowners deserve for calling for help when they’re the victims of crime.


LOL no. Here is your post I was responding to: “What did he do wrong? He thought he got a counterfeit bill so called police. Is he not suppose to do that?”.

As in… “Is he not supposed to” call the “police” when he “thought he got a counterfeit bill”? “What did he do wrong?”… I took as rhetorical Qs, and not as literal Qs.

Either way, @ microbet has already explained what he did wrong above.

This same principle works for anything else. Just because you are “supposed to call the cops” when some neighbor has loud after hours activities doesn’t in any way absolve you of a duty to not call in armed and dangerous and often erratic individuals into your own neighborhood. Again IMO, YMMV.