Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

This is a dumb and irresponsible thing to say.


I don’t think the shop owner is a bad person. Lots of people just do “what you’re supposed to do”. Most people never think about these things. Ok, that’s not great if they’ve not stopped to think about these things, but most people are caught up in other things and don’t do stuff like question authority. But, if you have awareness that:

then, lol at calling out the roided military cosplayers to check out a $20 bill.


I think there might be a culture gap going on here. You Americans are acting like it’s self-evident that calling the police on someone is a potential death sentence for all involved, any time the call is made. Is that the default mindset in the US? If it is, that’s pretty inconceivable to us outsiders.

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It’s not the default mindset but it should be


If it’s on a minority, yes.

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I don’t call the police except for insurance but I’m also not as terrified of criminals as I would be in America. But Micro sounds like the type to watch Robocop arrest those armed boyscouts and blame the beaten up old lady running the store.


There’s unwritten rules in the projects, poor areas. The shop owner broke them, good luck to him moving forward but he made his own bed.


It’s not the default mindset, but it’s pretty clearly true. There’s a significant chance people get killed every time the police are called. Which is horrible and it sucks that we live in this world where that’s true.

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If that was the default here then there would be less people killed by cops but you get cops called for a possible fake 20 and someone selling loose cigarettes and here we are

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Getting killed is the worse case scenario. All sorts of bad things short of death happen all the time too.

I’ve seen multiple times a non-violent neighborhood situations escalate into violence when the police show up. I’ve also seen uninvolved 3rd parties bloodied by the cops, and hauled off to jail. Who knows who else has wants & warrants? Add in CAs infamously impoverishing court fees, cars towed, and people’s residences getting on official and unlawful cop watch-lists.

IMO, if you aren’t in a violent situation, think twice before calling the cops… especially if you are “supposed to”, and feel you “can”.


It’s the default mindset for many people in the U.S., and for good reason. If I, a 40-something suburban white dude, called the police, they would show up and probably bring me Krispy Kreme to make up for any inconvenience in my life. I can predict with certainty what the interaction will be like and there is a zero percent chance that anything negative will happen to me.

If a person of color calls the police, they have no idea what is going to happen, even if they were the victim of a crime or just a bystander calling for help. The entire range of possibilities is on the table and that is a terrifying way for millions in this country to live.


It’s so bad that you can completely invent a story, give them someone’s address and have the SWAT team show up and execute the resident the moment they answer the door. No words exchanged, just shoot first and ask questions later. That’s what “swautistic” is in prison for, if you recall that story.

Or how about that time the cops sniped a girl through her window while she was playing video games? Fun times. They were there to search for drugs or something.

And the aforementioned rear-naked-choke that Eric Gardner was the victim of after allegedly selling someone a cigarette.

So yeah, I wouldn’t call the cops in the US (esp on a brown person) unless I was alright with the person being killed.


define what you mean by “significant” chance. There are millions of police interactions and calls a day throughout the country, and a very tiny fraction end up this way. That doesnt excuse it nor am I ignoring there’s a systemic problem here - but calling the police isn’t really a life or death situation with a significant number of 9’s of certainty behind it.

I dont want to stan for the pigs but like, there are good police forces out there. My city’s police force is excellent and always practice de-escalation.


always eh


Two 20 year old Black males try to walk across Newport Beach after dark. What are the chances they end up sitting on the sidewalk next to a police car?




I dont live in Newport Beach, but their pd is not terrible. Irvine is really gestapo and overboard. My PD is excellent.

Without knowing anything about Newport Beach other than it’s an LA suburb, somewhere between 1/1,000 and 1/10,000.

That depends. Would you say that they are angels?


Lol. I’d lol at 1/50, but 1/1000 is beyond absurd.