Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

You and I have very different experiences and opinions about the police. Unless, you have unique definitions for some of the words you used, like: are, good, excellent, always, and de-escalation.

I don’t think most police officers are bad (and don’t call them “pigs”). Most of them are doing it because they want to help people - at least that’s part of their motivation. But because of their culture, police forces are pretty much as bad as their worst members. They are a mob. When one does something bad, others join in. Obviously they lie and cover for bad members, but it’s worse than that. They are under pressure to be bad - like Serpico - lest they be seen as a threat to other police officers. And not only is it like a gang, it’s not rare for there to be gang-like tattoos and hand signs within police departments.


I think this is completely accurate.

I also have no problem with that shop owner calling the cops over a forgery.

The real reason for this whole “good cop dept” -vs- “bad cop dept” BS is exactly the same reason we got lol-tastical personal testimony about how some landlords are personally “good” too (and let widow Sally be a month late, and missed “Judge Judy” once to call a plumber, etc/etc/etc) in the landlord thread…

It’s not the system that is rotten, it’s just a few bad actors, the system is wonderful great as-is !!!1!

Absolutely no one is saying this.

This is insane

Yep, don’t call the cops, don’t talk to them, don’t look at them, just try not to interact with them at all if possible


For the call the cops crowd: what is the good outcome you are envisioning here?


If a cop is good they would quit or be forced out.

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I’m all for letting the authorities know that counterfeit bills are being passed around, but lol @ getting the cops to arrest some guy who likely has no clue the bill was fake.


If there is a counterfeiter running gophers - or whatever they’re formally called - in the area, he will know not to have his guys passing counterfeit in that store because police will be involved.

The cop takes a report and description and a detective aggregates that data with other reports to narrow down the possibility there’s a counterfeit ring in the area.

I have actual experience with this exact scenario - counterfeit is a huge problem in my area, and our business got hit frequently by the gophers.

You left out the bolded part.


It’s not always easy to identify them - otherwise they’re not really good forgories - and not everybody is familiar with the litmus configuration.

I spent 8 years of my youth living a couple miles from where this murder went down. Played sportsball with friends at Powderhorn park, 3 blocks away. Bought candy and pop(before I learned it’s actually called soda) at that corner store.

That was in the 90’s. The MPD was full of racists back then, and it still is. AFAICT, the only thing that’s changed is that now we have camera phones.

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I guess I don’t understand why it’s on the shop owner to knowingly accept counterfeit money and not do anything about it.

I don’t think it’s worthy of a 911 call (I don’t know if he called 911 or just rang the MPD) but like, dude is running a business. At a minimum call the Secret Service so they can come get the bill in question.


As someone with experience in regards to fake bills we just refuse the sale. I did call the cops on a guy for it once but that was because he tried to pass it the day before by buying gum with a bad 100 and he was back again the next day with the same bad 100s.

So what’s the deal with the hundro’s in Vegas Baby that the fine ladies in Vegas prefer ones that are newer, they raked my hundro’s while I held them and said “Yip, there good” explain?

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