Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The same park police dept… the entire dept aren’t all angels…


Who says he has to take it?


Do we actually know what happened in the store?

So if someone breaks into my house and steals a bunch of stuff I’m just supposed to shrug and chalk it up to a bad beat? Because I don’t want that guy killed either.

We can argue over whether $20 is enough to warrant calling the police but to say you should never call the police unless the person deserves to die for their crimes is pretty lol


Police unions are extremely powerful here and go to extreme lengths to protect their own. However, another big problem is juries simply won’t convict officers. We’ve seen it time and time again. Maybe the public’s attitude will eventually change when enough of these events are heavily publicized, but I doubt it.

yes those situations are completely the same


A few years ago I got some money from the ATM and went to get some lunch at Del Taco. I paid with a 20 from the ATM (I know… lolcash). The manager said “this is counterfeit.” I was shocked, but only mildly worried that I’d be in any trouble. I told her I just got the bill from an ATM and offered to give her a different 20 in exchange for the bad one, which I’d take to the bank (lol me). She said she couldn’t give it back. I thought fuck, this is an expensive lunch and offered her a different 20 from the ATM. She said never mind, gave me my lunch order and a 20 out of the cash drawer to replace the counterfeit and I went on my way.

My wife (she’s black) and I started talking about MN but had to stop. It’s immensely frustrating feeling so powerless, but also guilt-inducing knowing that at least part of the problem is I’m so ensconced in my comfortable suburban life that my activism is limited to rage-posting on the Internet.


True or false: someone said “you should not call the cops unless you are ok with that person dying”


That seems to cover every possible situation in which one might call the police.

Well said JT…

Can you give me a few more hypotheticals on when you would call the police and wouldn’t so I can decide?

Why? You seem to have covered everything yourself?

The only thing better than all the lolcanadians on this site telling us we must vote for Biden is them telling us we are overreacting about the dangers of being black while in the presence of police.


You must be seeing things. My comment from earlier is “lol at calling police over a possible fake 20” so I haven’t covered everything. you’re the one that came in mad that someone besmirched the good work the police do in your hypothetical comparing it to this situation. I want to see if you actually would call the police on someone for every little crime even with the reality of police in this country. You seem to think that’s ok and justify it by some stupid hypothetical so when wouldn’t you call the cops? What if it was a fake $5 or $10, is that too little?

Maybe if you were poor that $20 would be worth calling the cops.

Even as a person who suffered poor classism, I could not understand the pressures of being black in America, its a different world to even the shit that went on here in the UK in the 70’s (lol I know we’re nearly back there, ie-Brexit) but it is indeed a very different world, the few times I’ve been in the States I honestly thought I was royalty the way I was treated V POC.

It’s a staggering difference tbh and if you don’t see it everyday, lol you.

About 15 years ago I got pulled over by two Highway patrol cars while exiting the turnpike. I was 18-19 and driving a work truck back from a pick up in Tulsa. Both cops exited their cars with guns drawn and pointed at me. I had to exit the vehicle with my hands up and explain to them that no, I wasn’t intoxicated and was breaking no laws.

Apparently some Karen called me in for DUI back on the turnpike for cutting her off or something. And I’m not even black. Just olive-ish.


Except of course no Canadian is saying that and you just wholly and completely made up that point because you are so desperate to feel like you scored a point in the internet game you don’t care at all about accuracy.


Tbh… I do t think you were saying that either, @jwax13 may be mixing up posts.

You weren’t the guy who originally stated that. Somebody said that you should only call the cops on someone if you are cool with them dying. I said that was insane and then you hopped in which led me to believe you agreed with the initial statement. If you don’t, I’m not sure what your point is.

I’m certainly not saying the cops should have been brought in on this specific instance, and I’m sorry if my post insinuated that they should have been.