Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


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Well argued.

Johnny I’m not talking about you. Take a breather, man.

You are literally incapable of holding two thoughts at the same time.

If you don’t question the reasoning for calling the police on a black man buying a Doritos, you are part of the problem.

Alough not as hard hitting as the Ice tea shit…

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All this hem hawing around is hilarious.

Philando Castile had a concealed weapon and told the cop so and still got shot. In a suburb of Minneapolis.


I remember the NRA getting really pissed about this.



No educated rational person should not understand the possible implications of calling the cops on a black man. However it doesn’t follow the store owner is culpable in his death. We don’t know the details of what occurred.

Let’s play out a hypothetical. The store has a policy to call the police for all counterfeit bills. They have security camera as well. He chooses to ignore the policy and gets fired for cause. Is this his only moral choice?

Also, this whole discussion began with my objection to the idea his store should be burned down as his actions were so obviously objectionable.



No, the whole discussion started when I said the store need some really good justification for calling the cops on the dude while he’s standing outside chilling. You said “you are falling into their trap!” as knee jerk reaction.

I’m obviously exaggerating and angry, but by the views here the majority of the people here think you should call the police on a black man who bought a Doritos and is sitting outside your store eating them like a master criminal.

Police brutality is an epidemic. But the ease of calling the Police on people of color needs to be addressed. Nothing in that video you sent makes it even remotely like that police call was justified.

So much worse. They were there to do a wellness check. They executed the girl who was playing video games when they showed up to check on her wellbeing. Fucking insanity.

Ok with the person being killed, probably not the right standard, but I would absolutely prefer to pull a gun on someone myself than call the police on them in any kind of situation that is live - - as opposed to “someone burglarized my house yesterday (and I probably need a police report for insurance anyway)”. I don’t have a gun. Just saying I wouldn’t call the police for a live situation unless there was a clear threat to people’s lives.

This is already a top contender for all time great onion headline. I think “No way to prevent this…” Still wins but damn this good.


Once a month I deposit around $3000 in small bills on behalf of a service organization I’m involved with. Last year they flagged a fake $20, we all had fun examining it and seeing the differences, and then they gave it back to me.

I think you meant to say stole a bag of Doritos, right? It’s an important distinction.

numerous times in my life a clerk said this bill/coin is no good, look. I paid with a different one. Why do you think that guy is a master forger who uses his amazing talent to buy Doritos and not some dude who got a (maybe) fake $20 and had no fucking idea?

I don’t?

I wasn’t aware that he paid for whatever he purchased and left.

he paid, the clerk apparently thought the $20 bill is fake.
The dude was standing right outside!
I can bet whatever that if I was the one buying with it, the clerk would come outside and said ‘yo, nerdy white dude, i think that bill is fake homey. gimme another’.

No, it’s a bag of Doritos.

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