Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

So this guy gets free Doritos for life.

Are we even talking about George Floyd? Was he eating Doritos or is this just a hypothetical?

Correct… Do we have 100% proof that Infact this note was a fake, after all Covid-19 can affect the eyes.

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Not sure one bag is going to last a lifetime. But seriously - do the cops not get annoyed if you call them over a snatched bag of potato chips? The ones here would at least roll their eyes a bit, and they don’t even kill people very often.


My MPD connection just told me they are abandoning the 3rd precinct building.

I asked him why they haven’t arrested the cops yet. He said they don’t have the time or resources. (His rank is well below whoever would make the call on this, but still lolololol)

My response: well, they could just turn themselves in, they did murder somebody


they get annoyed at the black guys.

seriously, this is mind blowing to me how people can both realize there’s a huge problem of police brutality in this country and not give a fuck about calling the police everytime you think there might be a tiny infringement.

As if the police would come over with the FBI experts and track down the criminal mind behind that $20 bill. They would either do nothing, harass that black dude or murder him.


Ya really is amazing that the good guys in blue haven’t even arrested the obvious bad guys in blue yet.


You’re totally right. One bag definitely won’t.

But seriously - do the cops not get annoyed if you call them over a snatched bag of potato chips? The ones here would at least roll their eyes a bit, and they don’t even kill people very often.

Resources occupied



Dunno how crowded the jails are in Minnesota, but you will never go to jail for stealing Doritos in CA (you might get shot). Come and get them if that’s what you want.

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Calling the cops, allowing the justice system to play out and accepting the 1/100,000 chance the guy gets killed is probably more just than being the victim of a petty crime and going “welp, nothing I can do.”

What are the chances he gets the shit beaten out of him?

Maybe 1/10,000. Chance he is arrested if 911 is called about 1/100.

it truly saddens me that this is the prevailing thought here. I couldn’t think of a better description of white privilege in America.


Alright guys, I concede, there are probably times I would call the cops when I don’t want the person dead. A counterfeit bill isn’t one of them. Also FTR I didn’t say “you shouldn’t”, I said “I wouldn’t”.

Re: house burglarized, the cops would arrive long after the fact and thus nobody would be getting executed.

You think one in ten thousand police interactions involving reports of a crime result in (non-lethal) violence? Like, I’m only eyeballing but that seems pretty optimistic to me.

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Non lethal violence in excess of appropriate use of force, yes.

I know you want to keep making up imaginary numbers on what your feelings are on the odds of things but we do have some studies on this shit



how many cases of calling the police over a counterfeited $20 bill results in the crime being solved, the forging laboratory found and the forgers brought to justice?


At least we know boot licking is also a bipartisan thing

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