Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Hot take from a retired Staten Island cop:

Real tough guy there.

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Can we please not turn this into a gun thread? We have a gun thread. Go curse out Cactus there.


Some of these protest videos are pretty nuts:

Only a matter of time before posses start hunting down and killing cops who murder black men.

Deaths like this are literally inevitable with the system as it is. We’ve built a world of extreme segregation and oppression of minorities. This mean minorities are the poorest communities. Poor communities are more likely to be criminal in the way street cops see criminality (white collar crime doesn’t exist!). This is more so for poor men. Cops then spend all day targeting these poor communities because they have more crime of the type the recognize. This forces them to associate minority men with criminality. The minorities of course are naturally resentful of this system of oppression so don’t respect their oppressors. This naturally leads to tension. Cops then view all minority men as a criminal threat which allows them to justify their thuggish actions.

In the end George Floyd dies.

Cause it’s pretty much been time for posses to hunt down the friends of the black man for the past 400 years in America.

I stopped here because this needs addressing.

Poor communities that I’ve frequently been to and lived in my WHOLE life are some off the most honest, decent people you would ever meet.

In our younger days, guess what? When the rich kids mingled with us, they stole from us, because we’ll it was fun to them until they paid the consequences.

The consequences are always severe because that’s the way it is here in my city, you steal from us, your getting slapped about and some, no matter how big or rich you think you are, it was also fun watching the peeps we knew warn the younger generations of just who are were you came from, ie we were eastenders so don’t steal.

Criminality is easier to SPOT in poorer areas I’ll grant you that.

Yeah it does and it’s usually always found and acted on.

Fair enough… I see what your saying, but it ain’t all that, its because its priorities from above + poorer areas are easier to convict and cost less to investigate, ie Lazyness.

Above all else the lack of resources for major investigation is the main reasons the rich and privileged go free.


I think one issue is that cops are taught to be unreasonably paranoid, often falsely. “Your job is to go home alive at the end of your shift.” That kind of thinking, a concern for “respect” and “control of the situation”, and explicit or implicit racism leads a lot of cops to act excessively (also, prevalence of guns). Of course, there are many more dangerous jobs.

Also, policing is quite local in the US, where standards and training vary significantly.

For a thousand reasons (eg, Covid), the US needs to find a way to better realize Hamilton’s dream of entrenched federal superiority.

I thought it was pretty clear I was being sarcastic.

Trump in charge of all policing might not make things better.

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Not obvious, I’m the king of Sarcasim around here, so I usually spot it when I see it. :roll_eyes:

This place could use a sarcasm font.


Statistically, poor people commit a higher percent of crimes. It isn’t debatable or an indictment of poor people - it’s just a well known statistic

You think I honestly don’t think white collar crime exists?

My point was cops spend a disproportionate amount of their time focussed on petty crime among minority communities given its relativity low social impact. Whereas white collar crime has massive social impact and is largely ignored. In fact white collar crime like that of 2008 leads directly to more poverty and oppression of minorities which leads to more petty criminality and thus more opportunity for cops to disproportionately focus on minority communities. It’s a vicious circle.

This further leads to deaths like the one this week.

Maybe in America, maybe in a rich man’s world, who the fuck knows really, huh!!

I guess that survey was just honest to god citizens doing gods work.

Cops are a state matter in the the US, although it should be noted that police as we know them only date from the 1830s. What is needed on a national level are things like common training recommendations, common review recommendations, common indecent reporting recommendations. Which is basically how the roads work in the US… state control + national standards.

Obviously, nothing good can happen on that front while we are afflicted with the evil toxic waste container.

My point was cops spend a disproportionate amount of their time focussed on petty crime among minority communities given its relativity low social impact. Whereas white collar crime has massive social impact and is largely ignored.

This is where I disagree, I can accept the premise that Cops go for the easy ticket, the funny thing is Clovis is that my experience as a Uber driver for many years, I’ve had more petty crimes aimed at me by the rich or middle class than the poors.

And my city is probably 2-1 poors V middle Class.

In general I believe it evens out over ALL classes or structures, and it’s just that sometimes people be born to break the rules and it’s pretty even amounst the general population.

Once Imo unfairness in stats is in the general population as in the USA for crime stats its hard to shake that, because we’ll we’ve all seen poor folks commit crimes.