Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I mean, if she truly felt “threatened” why wouldn’t she create some distance and leave the area?


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Not that anyone here really understands anyone else here, but you don’t understand me. You’re not like 180 degrees off, more like 45. I don’t need my back against the wall to admit there are poor people who do bad and rich people who do good.

I’m generally talking about that stuff more along the lines of what you 1/2 agree with and you usually seem to be taking it a different way.

But he wasn’t actually shot by a thug in a costume, so this senseless murder doesn’t count, right? No one has a problem that they walk around heavily armed. They’re much more concerned about a jogger or some law abiding stranger in their midst carrying a firearm who’s like 99.99% less likely to kill someone than a member of a gang that calls themselves the police who protect their own at all cost

All of you talking about “just” tackling the police officer off of him clearly haven’t watched enough police videos. There’s infinite videos of cops watching the people they shot bleed out for minutes as bystanders beg to treat them. Any kind of interference with an arrest is (rightfully) illegal and any physical contact with a police officer is a felony. If you’re lucky enough to survive the event without serious physical injury or death you’re in for a world of hurt legally.


Exactly. Worst case scenario you’re killed. Best case you get the shit beat out of you by the cops at the scene, then they beat you again back at the precinct, and then you get a felony conviction.

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Illegal? I mean, maybe. But doing illegal things can be good. We live in a world where children are arrested and put in detention camps for being on the wrong side of a line. I’m not saying anyone acting alone should tackle the cop here or anything, but interference with arrest can certainly be a good thing.



Do you understand why people have a problem with people saying “All Lives Matter”? Do you think that the people saying “Black Lives Matter” don’t think that the lives of other people don’t matter? Well, poor lives matter. Do you understand that?

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This is actually the perfect example of the situation that Cactus describes where he’d be wasting the cop. I didn’t want to summon him to the thread but now that’s he’s here…

Meanwhile, President LittleHands who has something to say about everything, including speculating about natural deaths he calls murder, has nothing to say about this.

The cops being summarily fired seems to have taken the wind out of the “wait for the facts” sails so far.

Where’s the outrage? I literally didn’t see a single post in the gun thread. Yet you spent 3 pages name calling, making false accusations, coming up with fantastical scenarios, and trying to shame a law abiding gun owner who’s never came close to harming anyone. Excuse me for thinking you’re problem with having tyrannical militarized police forces isn’t sincere

what is the matter with you?


This dude getting killed in broad daylight without any armed joggers helping would seem to put a damper on the idea that the 2nd Amendment is keeping us safe from tyranny.


I can understand putting a knee on someone’s neck for a short time if they need to be subdued (not arguing that it was necessary in this case, just in general). It’s just mind-boggling that there plenty of cops there to keep Mr. Floyd under control if there was the possibility that he’d put up a fight, yet they never said, “Ok, let’s get the cuffs on him while he’s down and put him in the car.”

From what I’ve read, he had already been handcuffed.


I guess that makes sense. jfc, then. Just stand him up and put him in the squad car.

He was, the knee on the neck thing was just usual cop power trip shit. I know a few people who’ve gotten a quick beat down after the cuffs were on.

Once the cops take deadly force they’re always going to wait for the paramedics. Shooting victims bleed out routinely. Also (and IDK only just reading the news, which suck incredibly reporting tactical information), if there were only 4 cops, and there were any number of concerned onlookers, they’re going to wait for crowd control before doing shit.