Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

You simply can’t even stumble on to treating someone fairly can you? Maybe if you weren’t so mad?

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Yeah, sorry you aren’t getting the respect you deserve.

In the last several weeks Liz Cheney has been more valuable alive for sure.

I’m not sure what your self image is, but FYI being a high volume poster who is combative with everybody and is hiding behind a new account isn’t a winning combination.

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Only like three folks who I’m always calmer than.

And have all the wagons circling for them immediately. Strange that.

Whatever happened with this?


At this point, I don’t see how it’s possible to be a Republican while being a good person. That’s an oxymoron

I thank Liz Cheney for her work on the J6 committee, but what a sorry fucking state our country is in that the tendency is to lionize people just because they’re doing or did their jobs. Pence is definitely not a good person, nor is anyone from that administration. Good people don’t sit around and watch while a coup is attempted. Pence, that fucking rat, was SEARCHING for ways to make it happen. He just couldn’t find one that didn’t put him in legal crosshairs as well


The problem is that both of these view points are true.

  1. You cant have a functioning democracy without a loyal opposition that you can fundamentally disagree with while respecting and maintaining the system together.

  2. You cant have a functioning democracy unless you protect it with all means necessary from a fascist party.

The second is the most urgent and immediate issue. But that doesnt mean that the decline of 1 isnt a big problem.


Churchill - ‘democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.’

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For a democracy to function, you need supermajority support for the mechanisms of democracy, to ensure that enough people will uphold the peaceful transfer of power.

That’s why things like the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact or packing the court are problematic ideas if implemented without significantly more than 50% of the country in favor of them. (The same goes for governing this site, by the way.)

The problem with 1 is that I want my “loyal opposition” to be Pete Buttigieg, not overt fascists.


is this about liz cheney? because she like had bad policy positions in the past, and (maybe you should sit down for this part) … she still has those bad policy positions.


Mea culpa, forum policeman.

At minimum, she is useful for purposes of ridding the party of Trump, and returning it to some semblance of normalcy.

There has unquestionably been a change for the worse in the right wing, and it’s much more acute than “now they’re just saying the quiet part out loud”.
They’re legitimately threatening to undermine society and institutions to a degree that may be irreparable, and will almost certainly cause decades lasting damage.

I disagree with Liz Cheney on probably 95% of her policy positions, but when we are on the same side on such a significant issue, one which it takes legitimate courage for her to take, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Also, if you read carefully, I never said Liz was a great or even good person, but even morally suspect people can do good, can be good, even accidentally and briefly.

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I don’t see an equivalence between Pence (who was basically a coward whose hand was forced), and Cheney (who has confronted Trump’s treason head-on without having any obligation to do so).


I’m overjoyed that Cheney (and Kinzinger) care about preserving democracy, but jfc they’re supposed to

If that’s the new bar we’re using to separate the good from evil people then like I said before, what a sorry fucking state this country is in right now

They’re supposed to, but they don’t. That’s the point. When the White House is conspiring with militia groups to overturn an American election to stay in power, that’s a sorry fucking state for the country. At this point, who cares about Cheney’s “policy positions”? Not a lot of policy is happening anyway, and the singular focus of Trump, and his loyal minions is to destroy the system, and they’re making solid progress. Lumping Cheney and Kinzinger into the same deplorable boat as the rest of them seems like we’re surrendering even harder to the fascists. They’ve differentiated themselves from the others in their party, and our position should be “fuck you anyway”?


I’m not denying that they are allies in the fight to save democracy, but they are evil allies and I’m not in a position where I have to pretend they aren’t to keep them happy.

I want to encourage negative partisanship towards the Republican brand.

She champions waterboarding among a host of other stances that make her a POS human being

I was responding to the “hot take” that she might actually be a good person. We can welcome her work on the J6 committee without bastardizing the definition of good person