The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Those aren’t even bad numbers, gop probably high fiving on those numbers

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Can you imagine believing this shit in 2022?

You’re aware there is a nationwide ban on marijuana, right? I don’t want to tell you if you think this will have any material effect on the states that want abortion to remain legal. They will simply pass laws that contradict the federal law and health/crime (if termed by feds that way) is clearly something even Thomas thinks should be left to the states.

ETA: the post chain you quoted indicated “abortion would be stamped out in every state”. That’s trivially false even in the most dystopian of outlooks. Federal law doesn’t really mean much here. Hence, Kabuki.

Even in your fantasy land, what do you think happens when trump or whatever other deranged R controls the federal government in 2025? They’re going to feed some blue states to their base. It’s going to be all about revenge and punishment.

Really enjoying the brand new poster who just happens to be contrarian on every single topic.


I’ll leave. Not welcome here.


Kids are all right.


People who are against abortion don’t actually think it should be left up to the states because they think it’s murder. “Leave it up to the states” is just the stupid justification right wing reactionaries use so that normal people won’t be alarmed that what they actually support is imposing their crazy, paranoid world view on everyone. Only suckers believed right wing reactionaries think “state’s rights” is some principled belief.


Also a bunch of people perceive brutal impacts on women as being positive feature of the policy/law.

I don’t have a problem with you, but if you’re going to come in here and start claiming that the GOP/Judiciary won’t do things because reasons, you’re going to get A LOT of pushback on those hypotheses.

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Supposedly Schumer is going to run again and then retire during the next term so a handpicked successor (some relative/nephew maybe? Can’t remember details) can be appointed to the seat.

Yea for abortion it’s states rights up until no actually we can’t allow murder anywhere guys, I mean for fucks sake I think it was mentioned in the ruling that this is because it pertains to possibility for life or some bullshit

It’s really just one dude but otherwise agree.

You seem to have no fucking clue how anything works nor have any access to any news sources. You should try before continuing to post on subject you know nothing about.

Interesting. Can totally see this leading to armed conflict between the federal government and a state.

The extradition clause itself:

A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.

I’m sure they’ll pretty easily bend themselves around the words “flee” and “fled”. I mean, the constitution is a living document, sometimes.

I don’t think that response is warranted. The conservative justices do attempt to have consistent judicial philosophies and don’t completely make up their reasoning to support their preferred outcomes.

When do we start seeing states prosecuting the mother for obtaining an illegal abortion? That’s been a bridge too far for most people, but that exception has never made sense to me and it’s only going to be more relevant as women get medically induced abortions at home.

(I know Texas started to prosecute one woman, but that was quickly dropped. I’m talking about a state law that explicitly includes the mother.)


Ultimate hellworld result of all this is Biden/Dems agreeing to expand the court by adding 4 new justices, 2 Dems 2 Republicans


And one of the democrats is Merrick Garland.