The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yeah, I don’t get what your problem is. He clearly phrased it as a guess without evidence:

First, I don’t get why you have a problem with this and second, I’m genuinely curious if you believe his guess is wrong. I’d bet the same but I think the difference is much smaller than he does. Stuff like being disowned for being gay only happens one way. Not sure what the equivalent is the other way.


Would snap bet my net worth more people on the right disown their kids.

This isn’t even close. I bet it’s a 40 point spread.


Guess that wraps up this conversation.

Next time I get off the phone with my 67 year old mom who dedicated her entire life to others, is raising a 2 year old grandson, in a house with my Dad who watches Fox all day, her daughter in law who has BPD, and 4 pets I will let her know how superior you are to her.


People wanted to make this personal. Let’s go.

Every time I come here and read, “They only care about them in the abstract.”

Feels like the issue here is one of contex. Nobody would care if you protested at a Outback or a Cheescake Factory. But Christ, this is a Morton’s. Have some fucking respect.


I mean, if we are playing the anecdote game, I guarantee that we can collect more anecdotes of conservatives being disgusting monsters than you can of them being good people.

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Link? I admit I’m selfish in the fact I enjoy posting here and love my mom.

Right? Like if we’re doing anecdotes my grandma and mom disowned my sis (from SC) for daring to date a black guy


Do I win?


Taunting political/public figures in public is generally fairly juvenile and cringeworthy, but I’m not going to get mad at people making SHS or Kav or Clarence or a few others feel their ire if they see fit. The select few have earned a public rebuke, and if their kids are at Cheesecake Factory too, well, them’s the breaks. Might actually do them some good.

Camping outside their homes or tracking their movements is weird 3rd world shit.

Look guys, Funcrusher is clearly in one of his moods. It happens now and then. Give him 24hrs or so to cool off and get sorted.

So if I came on here and posted that nobody ever did that you wouldn’t speak up?

Maybe you missed my link above. We’re already there, brother.

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Lmk the next time someone’s tongue is chopped off for committing perjury or hand chopped off for shoplifting, then I’ll agree.

Gotcha, so no crisis until we are literally a third world country. Ill just kick back and wait. This shouldnt take long.

Ill just leave this here