The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Btw, thats the largest GOP party in the country and also runs the legislation and judicial branches of that state, but no biggie, amiright?

Least accountable form of legislature enacts very unpopular policy and gets protested.

Obviously there arenā€™t any guarantees in life. But this is bullshit.

How about a school getting shot up while the police do nothing but block parents from entering to save their kids

And then stalk and spy on them afterwards


Just like every time this discussion comes up, if you donā€™t do the bare minimum to make people like Kavanaugh or Tucker uncomfortable, you are fighting an assymetric war. And you will keep getting destroyed as we are seeing now.

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The point earlier would have stood the same without a single mention of his kids.

NBZ does not get the benefit of the doubt.

If you havenā€™t gone to a single protest, but are in this forum advocating for behavior that would qualify as red flag material then it just comes across as lazy, extremist, armchair politicking.

Pretty sure the party of conversion therapy, bathroom wars, forced pregnancies, fixation on female virginity, etc has more disowned children than the other side. There are a ton of grey area cases where the kid runs away or leaves forever after abuse or lack of acceptance so I guess nittery may come into play on what exactly disowned means.

I mean, this isnā€™t exactly unsupported. One of the main causes of youth homelessness (if not overwhelmingly largestā€“depends on data source) is LGBT children who have been disowned.

Conservatives might well adopt/foster kids at a higher rate. But one does not cancel out the other.

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Who is disagreeing with this?

Iā€™m simply pushing back against the idea that ā€œ100% of conservatives do not care about their children.ā€

I know itā€™s not true. I donā€™t think many here actually believe that either. Maybe Iā€™m wrong. Iā€™ve accepted that fact that I may not be able to post here. That sucks and hurts but not near as much as being dishonest to myself about the humans who raised me.

I donā€™t know how to tell you this, but no one here thinks or posted this.

Getting warmer. Itā€™s not ā€˜not manyā€™ that believe that. Itā€™s none. Literally and exactly zero people here believe that.

Yes, very wrong.

As wrongheaded as this was, I think you have a way to go before you clear that bar.


Thatā€™s because things like abortion, gun control, and gay rights are unimportant to you. I mean youā€™re nominally on the left so Iā€™m sure you think theyā€™re nice, but not something really worth fighting for. Definitely not a matter of life and death.

But let me ask you this. Letā€™s say the Family Research Council or whoever gets a little more powerful. And they decide that there is no purpose to sex without procreation, and there is no ethical sex outside of marriage. And so every incel whoā€™s not married by 35 is ordered to go to the doctor to have their balls chopped off. This ruling is upheld by Kavanaugh and ACB. By the way it also has to be done in the most painful way possible because itā€™s a question of acknowledging your sin. And some terrified 34 year old man goes to Mortonā€™s steakhouse to yell and plead at them. Still vigorously encouraging that man to stand down and not break any norms? Supporting the police tear-gassing him if he doesnā€™t stop?

Because I promise you, losing your child at Uvalde or losing your daughter to a preventable ectopic pregnancy, feels very much like being castrated with a steak knife.


You donā€™t need to stop posting here. Itā€™s just that your original response to the post (which contained a general claim and a very specific claim) could have been a lot clearer that you were objecting to the general claim but not necessarily the specific claim.

Like you said. Not one person here thinks this. Iā€™ll go further and say not a single person on earth on the left actually thinks nobody on the right cares about their kids. Not one.

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The US Justice System: What would you prefer Iran or Saudi Arabiaā€™s?

Supreme Court Rules ā€˜Innocence Isnā€™t Enoughā€™ To Overturn Black Manā€™s Conviction Of Murder

When did I say there wasnā€™t a crisis? Obviously, a non-third world country can have crises (as we, and all others, do), but everyoneā€™s life here is not constantly and daily threatened in myriad ways to the point where itā€™s not a safe bet harm wonā€™t befall them if they leave their home. If that was the actual environment present in the US then everyone would be fleeing. And planning the assassination of, much less hectoring, the leaders that created such circumstances would be a moral imperative.

ETA: good thing everyoneā€™s not required to live in Texas?

Tell me youā€™re white without telling me youā€™re white.


Awful, terrible, and noteworthy precisely because of how ridiculously poorly the police acquitted themselves. Itā€™s not often that lawsuits for highly protected police misconduct are actionable in the US.

In many parts of the third world, hell, even Mexico, police are far far far less accountable and do far far far more harm on a daily basis. If you donā€™t know this, you must be quite sheltered.

How ironic, given the last post I responded to.

I once saw Ralph Stanley play at the Birchmere.


Would you like to hear about the appellate legal systems in the vast majority of countries around the world? Innocence claims not going heard due to procedural minutiae wouldnā€™t rate a footnote to a footnote.

I let this go hours ago. I donā€™t make things up. Would you like me to connect the dots for you?