The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

By all means. And then we can compare use of capital punishment, what warrants a life sentence, and the percentage of society locked up.

I bet we kick Nigeria’s ass!

I put sunblock on when the sun isn’t out.

If we don’t, then you better start looking into Nigerian properties.


I like this idea. Conservatives are all about choice of companies to not serve people. There should be a massive online effort to track everywhere they go and punish any establishment that serves them in any way; restaurant, theatre, grocery store, anything.

Make serving one of the six something no company will want to do.

How disgraceful! We have no time for such petty actions!

Ah, the ole “if you dont like it, leave” gambit.

Who brought up Nigeria? Ah, yes (strokes beard).

Look man, I was out of line. I’m sorry dude. I don’t want to edit the post since that feels cheap.

I got into it with my Mom on Mother’s day (dumb I know) about Roe vs Wade and at one point she looked at me and told me she’s just trying to hold on. I don’t want to publicize my family’s business or use it to deflect but I can promise you it takes tremendous empathy and strength to do what she is doing.

Please forgive me.

ETA: If you really want me to explain why I felt that way I will. I never make things up.


I’ve been to a Leonard Skinner concert.

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Here, our police will shoot a guy 60 times for an unspecified traffic violation.

Our police will empty a clip into a 12 year old playing with an obvious toy.

Our police will ask for your license and registration during a traffic stop and then shoot you when you obey.

Our police will kill you for hawking loose cigarettes.

Our police will break into the wrong house, shoot you in your sleep, and face no punishment.

Our police will kill your dog, laugh and brag about it on camera, and face no accountability.

You’re welcome to ask Jayland Walker if he’d trade his hand for 60 fewer holes in his body.


No screed necessary.

Still not a third world country that should be plotting to kill and terrorize judges.

Oh, right. Guns are so much more sophisticated than your caricatures right out of Aladdin. We may gun down innocent kids, but we’re obviously better than those people.


Hate the player not the game.
Who here wasn’t a-ok with unelected judges making law when the court had a liberal majority?

You have something to say?

The point. You’ve completely missed it.

This is a pretty good way to protest these ghouls when they are out to eat.



In my mind I’m likening this to how people suddenly woke up to the electoral college being undemocratic only after trump won in 2016.

However given the fact the supreme court has the kind of power it has and the culpability of the republican justices, im 100% for all forms of non violent protest that make them feel uncomfortable.

I got sumptn to say.