Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Hot take: I think Liz Cheney might actually be a good person.

Ehhhhh gonna have to stop you right there


Meh I wouldn’t go that far. I mean jeff sessions was a stickler for rules and laws, nobody thinks he’s a good person

At best, she’s lawful evil.


I think there’s a difference between following the rules and recusing yourself (while still actively fawning over the criminal head of your party), and actively bucking your own party and signing your own political death warrant to go after the demagogue in charge of your party because you know he did something really really wrong.

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Sessions was lawful evil. She’s chaotic neutral.

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Give me that argument that she’s not evil without mentioning Trump, impeachment, January 6, elections, or any related issues.

She was pro face mask when her party was anti face mask.

Does that cancel out her being pro-waterboarding?

No. It doesn’t. People are complicated. They can be both good and bad.


How the fuck is Dick Cheney still alive?


I’ll be rotting in the cold earth and Cheney and Kissinger will still be making the rounds.


His hunting buddies are better shots than he is. Thats how.


How about when it’s because he’s from the faction in your part that’s wresting control from your dad’s cronies?



No I think they are both lawful evil

Liz has respect for our system of government. She and Kinzinger appear to be the only prominent Republicans who do. Any others have already been jettisoned from the party. When democracy itself hangs in the balance, I’ll take any help we can get to preserve it, and not put them in the same evil category as those who are doing everything in their power to launch a crazed dictatorship.


sure, she’s better than MTG, but that’s a different question

The enemy of my enemy…

Level 2 thought seems to elude most folks here. If anyone happened to do something bad in the past, they’re done, and they can never do anything remotely decent in the future. Three strikes felony laws are more forgiving.

Ironic given the restorative justice model they purport to value as the only legitimate method of criminal justice.

It’s a wonder they haven’t consolidated political power.