Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

That’ll work out great when DeSantis is the nominee and Democrats still haven’t done shit.

They’ll just pivot from “Orange Man Bad” to “Florida Man Bad” and win 538-0 like they did in 2016.

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Running on orange man bad in 2024 not being laughed out of the room is a testament to how fucking awful existing Dems are. It barely won in 2020 and is highly unlikely to work in 2024 even if Trump runs.

I think dragging the J6 hearings out until the midterms is actually part of their strategic plan, just the absolute dumbest fucks in the history of politics. No one is turning out to vote for their representative because Orange Man Bad.

I think their main objective is to shame Merrick Garland into charging him. That’s…probably not going to work.

One thing I don’t understand to this day is why Trump was supposedly convinced not to appoint the full-coup guy attorney general because of the threat of resignations at DOJ.

It’s pretty easy to get Trump to agree with whatever you want in the short term if you’re in his face yelling at him about it. The problem is you also piss him off and he’ll replace you with a deplorable.

For some of the earlier posts and pretty much the entirety of the LOL Democrats thread:

Can’t imagine Trump doesn’t spite run even if he’s in prison and Ronnie wins the nomination.

Sounds more and more optimal to turn Trump into a Perot.

The argument put forth in the hearings was that the resignations would be the story, and would show what a bad leader Trump is. The “stolen election” wouldn’t get any bling. I guess you’re asking why that persuaded Trump, and for that I got nothing.

These are the kinds of mistakes President DeSantis will not make.


tbh Desantis probably wouldn’t mind trump going to jail

Best case for him is for Trump to die in prison so he can ride the wave of conspiracy theories.

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It would be great for him if he could pardon him and turn him into Wormtongue to his Saruman.

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I feel like you’re crossing the streams on purpose, but I don’t get why.

How is it crossing streams? They have a relationship like Devil was getting at.


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It doesn’t really work, does it? I should hit cancel instead of reply a lot more often.

No it works. I misread your post.

You’re right. My mistake.

Well, just to be clear, I had DeSantis= Saruman, Trump= Wormtongue. Idk, feels tortured.

Yeah, I’m a Trump=Sauraman guy, so that contributed to my problem. Actually Trump=Sauron works best, imo.

Thing is, I don’t think DeSantis wants to go down as dictator, or the guy who ended American democracy, etc. I think he’ll be happy to take his two terms on the back of voter suppression and state legislature bullshit that he “has nothing to do with” and be remembered by half the country as Saint Ronnie the Second. I think he’s more in line with the establishment Republicans that are content to melt our democracy in a slow boil and avoid taking any actual blame for it. He’s Trumpism on the policies, but more establishment on the overall strategy.

And he’s a virtual shoe-in to be a two-term president even with fair elections. Inflation will almost certainly subside and the economy will almost certainly recover at some point in the next six years. If it’s in the next two, Biden has a chance to win. If not, DeSantis wins, gets credit for the recovery, and cruises to re-election.

He’ll get to run for re-election on ending inflation, fixing the economy, ending those silly covid precautions once and for all, and some tax cuts. And he’ll play the hits from the hardliner platform - cracking down on the homeless by cracking skulls to run them off the streets, fucking over immigrants but in slightly less obscene ways than Trump, etc.

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