Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

They won’t let him testify live for good reason, but if he agrees to a taped depostion then,

a. he won’t go to prison

b. when the repubs win the house they can release the taped testimony with watever bs he spews.

Not a lawyer, but I’m not sure how Bannon can think that he can somehow set the terms of his testimony. He would definitely turn any live appearance into a circus. I think the best course of action would be for the justice department to tell Bannon to testify under the terms suggested by the Committee, or spend some time in jail for contempt.

I’m not sure how this gets him out of prison. The charge is that he willfully did not show up to testify, not that he will never testify. I don’t see the DOJ dropping the charge. Bannon can work with the committee to give private testimony, and perhaps the judge will consider his “cooperation” at sentencing.

He’s just a little bitch, who will get a sentence enhancement for a prior conviction, pardon doesn’t matter. He’s a bluffer who wants his chips back after his opponent called and raised.

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Fuck u Paul.

Seems correct:

Yeah but now what

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lol bannon

Bold move.

Bannon is not part of the club, and neither is Trump now that he is no longer useful.

Judge is Trump appointee and former Thomas clerk.

(CNN)More than a decade before he was assigned the criminal contempt case brought against Steve Bannon, Judge Carl Nichols was a top Justice Department lawyer deeply involved in pushing sweeping arguments in favor of shielding an ex-presidential adviser from congressional testimony.

Nichols – who was appointed to the bench in 2019 by former President Donald Trump – will now oversee the Justice Department’s case against Bannon, a former Trump adviser, for Bannon’s alleged noncompliance with the House’s January 6 investigation.


Does the link have a name? Stone and or Flynn would be my guess.

Child slavery super lawyer has the wool completely pulled over his eyes.

$1,500 an hour for that fucking imbecile

The latest Chapo episode was talking about how the amount of time a lawyer spends on Twitter is inversely proportional to the quality of their legal advice. I think they may be on to something.

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LOL whoops


Sounds like a couple of people not named Donald Trump might be in serious legal jeopardy.

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Imagine if a crowd of Muslims and or black folks rolled up to the CB

How many actually make it inside. 0?