Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Encrypted messages between Trump allies and members of extremist groups


Critical data means his ass I assume.

This guy Meadows’ name keeps coming up, but apparently they are “in negotiation” with him

Has anyone articulated a single specific crime Trump should be charged with yet?

High treason?

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Poor taste?

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You mean like someone on the committee? If they do submit a request for prosecution to DoJ I’d assume they’ll outline specific crimes they believe he committed. Lots of talking head lawyers have weighed in. Just a couple days ago Trump’s old lawyer Ty Cobb was saying they could go for obstruction by tampering w/ witnesses and seditious conspiracy, although he did say SC would be difficult.

Interrupting an official proceeding is one of the most commonly mentioned.

Here’s a 2010 report on laws related to obstructing Congress.



So far the most serious crime he has been proven guilty of is eating well done steaks with ketchup.

Im kind of surprised by how forthcoming, even eager these people are to respond at times, especially when they had to be dragged to come in. They want to tell their story. Any one of them could go full Jessep at any moment.


Trump never met him, never heard of him, doesn’t know anything about him, but many many people are saying he’s a HATER and a LOSER.


Did that guy swing his “Justice” baseball bat around in meetings or what?

I feel like Powell, Flynn, rudy, meadows should all be going to prison, I’m sure I’m forgetting others, oh yea probably pillow guy too

These streamers smh

Well hello Alex Jones and your rusted bicycle chain vocal cords


It’s kind of impressive how this process has pointed out that bullshit is all that matters to Trump. There’s no need for any evidence of massive voter fraud, especially since there is none. He thought bullshit was enough to get him through. Up and down the line, I think his supporters and rioters knew it was all just bullshit too. What else could they think? No one had provided any real evidence. Didn’t matter. They were just going to force their way to another Trump term. Just anti-American scumbag assholes. All of them.


No I have plenty of extended family that think the election was stolen.

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Trump isnt going to get charged. He is much more useful to incumbent Dems as a boogeyman to run against in upcoming elections. Their governing track record sucks so they have very little else to run on.

Proud Boy douche just entered the hearing room wearing a Descendents T-shirt. Do they have fascist ties I don’t know about?

Sydney Powell has the craziest crazy eyes I’ve ever seen.