Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

“What are you wearing?”

Coordinating outfits, ha.

Medal of Freedom for not going along with a coup. Wtf

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A+ job, Twitter!

“We have ANTIFA COMING!!!”

lololol fuck off

This is boring but would be pretty crucial evidence of premeditation if Merrick Garland had a pulse.

So absurd I’m now here thinking “I hope the DoJ is watching,” but that’s the best to hope for after hearing they were inexcusably surprised by Hutchinson’s testimony.

Really not seeing what the point of this witness is.

“Do you still believe the election was stolen?”

“Not so much now … I started doing my own research.”


lol, was just gonna post this exact thing

I like the intros, a couple of angry faced guys just shooting the breeze in front of a national audience, “Tell us about yourself”

Dude off this guy’s left shoulder looks like he’s wearing a super sexy tiara.

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You have a different idea of what it means to be American. You believe in democracy, all people created equal, rule of law, etc, is what America means. Conservatives think America means the racial hierarchy of its founding, no women voting, Black people only count 3/5ths and only to increase the political power of slaveholders, gotta have guns to keep the slaves in line. Everything else is secondary to this hierarchy. Democracy is just a means of maintaining this, and if it stops doing that, then it must be discarded as illegitimate.


Idk how useful this testimony is but these guys are risking their lives.

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Would like to know what the three people on the right of the screen behind the witness are doing.

I really don’t get anything out of seeing these idiots, maybe it’s shocking to normies?

They just want someone on record saying they went to the Capitol because Trump told them to

Ayers is being presented as the epitome of an easily bamboozled dope. He represents millions of others who just “love their country” and were victims of social media addiction.

His final warning was for people to remove their blinders, step back, and understand what’s really going on. Committee members probably consider him a great witness.


LOL Trump calling witnesses.

Warm take: Trump didn’t really mean “stand by” when he said, “Stand back and stand by.” He really meant “stand down,” but he’s fucking stupid and doesn’t know words.

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