‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I agree, it would be worth doing if it were good politics, but it’s not.

What standard do you apply to determine if something is good politics?

Whether it improves the fortunes of the Democratic Party over whatever timeframe you care about.

Ok so not something measurable or falsifiable

Yeah, confounding factors suck.

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The problem that I see with suggesting certain actions based on ideas like ‘electability’ or whether it is ‘good politics’ and there is no attempt to define them with any kind of objective metrics, is that there is a tendency for people to introduce their personal bias into the analysis.

Totally agree, unfortunately this is a politics forum and people regularly not only expect people to agree with their tactics for winning elections but get angry when others disagree. This being a left leaning forum most of it here is on the left, but it’s an everyone thing. We’re not going to stop talking tactics.

Is there a chance that at some point republicans just start openly celebrating mass shooters?

“Killing random innocent people is wrong, but we understand the murderous rage. Fuck your feelings”

I am fully supportive of this idea, just expect the target to be the same 85 percent of the party it always is.



Don’t worry boys and girls - we’ll be fine. The real story is the leftist libtard who did the shooting in IL was wearing women’s clothes! Surely he must’ve been an Auntie Tifa plant.

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They already have


Kyle R


Yeah but too often I see it as a technique (commonly employed by the media or in more polite company) to talk about politics without having to reveal your actual values.

The easy answer is “no”, but I wonder if a schism begins to form between the anti red flag law MTG/Tucker wing of the party and the more traditional law and order types once mental health becomes a barrier to obtaining weapons. Like even McConnell and Cornyn wouldn’t be opposed to allowing states to receive incentives to keep guns away from crazy people (since they supported and voted for a bill that just did so), but that’s what MTG fears most: being labeled (properly) crazy and losing her guns.

These are the same folks that see guns as a tool to solve problems, and I could see them conducting another (far more violent) putsch on a state government that passed a red flag law.

“The government calls us ‘dangerous’ so let’s show them what we are capable of”.

That, more than anything Biden or Bernie or anyone on the left, could cause legitimate movement on the gun issue. When the left (even moderate Dems or GOP) try to push gun control it will always lose because the collective right will bunker on it. If MTG approves a violent mass shooting of a Republican legislature on the House floor it would be difficult to see even Hannity approving.


Nah, that was at least nebulous (and a jury agreed).

A completely unprovoked and planned mass shooting, resulting in dozens of injured and double digit deaths, is a different animal.

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Give this kid a list of names to repeat like Arya Stark.


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Not for the little boy, for what has been done to him on the AR15 altar.

Someone forgot to tell his uncle. “No warning signs… No concerns…”