‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

There are so many varieties of the AR platform that I think it’s had to classify all of them.

Democrats should escalate on this issue by getting a state legislature to ratify an amendment repealing the Second Amendment. Obviously, it’s not going be ratified by enough states in the country to actually pass, but it will shake things up and might change how the national debate is being conducted.

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Reports I read said it was a “long gun”. Not knowing anything about guns can an AR type be described as a long gun?

So my leading theory is now that something spooked the cops, maybe a firecracker went off nearby, or some debris landed on them and burned them a bit and they thought someone was coming after them and opened fire on ~nothing. Maybe even friendly fire. This caused a massive panic, and they had to crank up the copaganda machine and came up with magic hats.

Whenever cops tell you some obvious bullshit, you’ve just got to figure out the most likely reason they’d tell you that particular lie and reverse engineer it. See: Uvalde.


Yes, basically any rifle or shotgun would be a long gun I think. Rifles definitely are. I think it’s either hand gun or long gun.

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Not against it, but most of the Democratic Party will denounce it and probably support a Congressional resolution denouncing such action.

Yeah but it’s not like they have to guess or don’t know. In Uvalde the gunmaker was identified and called out for marketing to kids. I don’t know of a good reason they wouldn’t just say it was brand x caliber y model z. I suspect they’re protecting somebody. Not the public.

Like every other “make them vote” idea, it will help clarify who our targets should be in the Democratic Party.


Barely a news blip.

btw that BNO news site is run by a scammer

Fucking constitutional amendments, how do they work?

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Well fuck. Seems to have been reliable as long as I’ve followed. Don’t see references to anything shady in quick google either. Anyway, plenty of other sources on this story.

Technically, they have to originate in Congress, or with a convention, but a state legislature symbolically pre-ratifying a proposed repeal of the Second Amendment would be an interesting bit of political theater.

Poor Gary. I only know anything at all about Indiana because Indianapolis is featured in John Green’s books.

I have a former aunt-in-law who grew up there, which is the extent of my knowledge of Indiana.


I have played poker in three casinos in Indiana. I’m hoping to add a couple more.

The Illinois Constitution and presumably many states has the language of the 2A included. Unfortunately repealing that would be symbolic and probably a negative distraction because it would require a referendum to repeal.

Symbolic actions can be good.

I agree, it would be worth doing if it were good politics, but it’s not.