Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Except for votes for judges.

Democrats are still letting home state Senators block judges, there are 50+ vacancies, fuck them

They have mildly improved in that they don’t let them block judges on circuit courts anymore (thanks Leahy for giving them infinite seats on the circuit courts dipshit). But yes, it’s still laughably bad that it’s allowed. I think the Rs might’ve let it go too, but just scanning through DJT’s list of district court judges I’m seeing an awful lot in states with 1 or 2 D senators so it’s probably just another case where they lose because they’re relics of a bygone era.

What are OK and PB?

Oath keepers and proud boys


Didn’t the GOP tell Dems to fuck off on this when Trump was president? Like they’re letting the GOP violate this norm and still upholding it? Lol

Cipollone agreed to appear before the committee for a private, transcribed interview.

Think Rs did away with it at the Appellate level but not District level? Dunno, either way it’s def all Calvinball and Ds are getting schooled at it.

Honestly I would be fine with the kid gloves treatment for all these Trump accomplices if it actually meant getting Trump but of course what will actually happen is nothing happening to anyone and absolutely massive pieces of shit like Mick Mulvaney and Pat Cippilone and Bill Barr being rehabilitated before re-entering polite society just in time for the Desantis Administration.

so this pat abalone guy is the smoking gun or what? did we get him?

I think you mean Patsy Baloney


No, unfortunately Donnie Dumb Dumb has never heard of the guy, never met him, but people are saying he’s a LOSER and a HATER.


A year and a half and they’re just now interviewing Trump’s attorney, great job.

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They can time everything so that 2024 becomes a referendum on charging Trump. Schedule the trial start in 2025, so if you want it to actually happen, you have to vote for Biden again.

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Best case, the lawyer confirms some previous testimony from Hutchinson or whoever but claims privilege over anything said to Trump. Lawyer expects Trump will read the transcript (have it read to him) so he won’t be forthcoming unless he wants to be known as Phony Cipollone for the rest of his life. IANAL.

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That’ll work out great when DeSantis is the nominee and Democrats still haven’t done shit.

They’ll just pivot from “Orange Man Bad” to “Florida Man Bad” and win 538-0 like they did in 2016.

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Running on orange man bad in 2024 not being laughed out of the room is a testament to how fucking awful existing Dems are. It barely won in 2020 and is highly unlikely to work in 2024 even if Trump runs.

I think dragging the J6 hearings out until the midterms is actually part of their strategic plan, just the absolute dumbest fucks in the history of politics. No one is turning out to vote for their representative because Orange Man Bad.

I think their main objective is to shame Merrick Garland into charging him. That’s…probably not going to work.

One thing I don’t understand to this day is why Trump was supposedly convinced not to appoint the full-coup guy attorney general because of the threat of resignations at DOJ.