Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT


What the fuck is it about people and free shit? I’ll never forget this one retailer I was working at about 9 years ago (at their HQ). Every once in a while they’d have excess of something and they’d stick it in this area right near where my team worked and far away from most people. It was picked over almost instantly all the time. One day they put out free tupperware ripoff sets and I’m walking by as they do and am like “cool I’ll grab one”. As I’m walking away there’s literally 20 white collar workers running, full sprint, down the hall at me. Only thing they never took was hemmeroid cream…

Today we put out our old cat trees for garbage to take away. They’re filthy, matted down fur, some 10 years old. Wife is on the deck and some gal is like “can I have these” and she just shrugs. Then she says “…did your cats die?”. :expressionless:

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Your employer hands out free hemorrhoid creme? Thats a little on the nose.

It doesn’t go on your nose, stupid.


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When I was a freshman I had a meal plan at the dorm across the street. One Sunday a month they would serve Chinese food and call it Chinese Harvest Festival or some bullshit. Well, that’s fine. If I can eat all the other crappy food I can eat crappy Chinese food. Well, one month I opened my fortune cookie at the end of the meal, and the fortune read, I shit you not “Can you name the four food groups?” So I’m like “WTF??!!! YOU CALL THAT A FORTUNE?1!?1!1! THAT’S NOT A FUCKING FORTUNE!!1!1!11 THAT’S A GODDAMNED QUIZ FOR A FIRST GRADER1!11!11!!”

You can see I’m still a little angry.


When I was a teenage paperboy back in the 70s, I had a Chinese-American customer give me a large box of fortune cookies for a Christmas present.

I assumed that they owned a restaurant.


My favorite fortune cookie I’ve ever opened was “ignorance is bliss. you must be happy”


I was with my wife and got one that said “Every exit is an entrance to new experiences”.

My favorite one though is one that my then boss got that said “Made in the USA”.

lol that had to lead to an anal joke, right?!

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Why does fucking EVERYTHING require making an account now?


I spent 15 minutes setting up a HP account to connect to my printer.

When I finally did. It tells me that I can only print PDzf through the HP app. Everything else needs to go direct.


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The goddamn music during Chik-Fil-A commercials has reawakened my near-supernatural ability to find the remote and mute the television in under 4 tenths of a second

People making zero effort to pronounce non western names.

Just sat in a board meeting where the chair introduced a new board member, a Sri Lankan woman, and made zero effort to get it right.

Like. How much fucking contempt does it show not to even try and learn this in advance.


I frequently have to verbalize lists of names cold. Not for a corporate board, but I have sympathy.

British soccer commentators are the absolute worst at this. American commentators have pronunciation guides, etc. British commentators just go by vibes and do horrific things to peoples names and give zero fucks about it. Probably the colonial attitude


Really? Guess I haven’t noticed it… and I love Ian Darke.


Darke is GOATed, definitely doesn’t apply to him

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