Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

I think I know where you’re coming from. But fuck. This needs a paint


Can we take a moment to denounce the people who seemingly mispronounce their own names? When I was doing radio, I got a nasty letter from someone criticizing my “ignorance over Spanish pronunciation” when I anglicized Jimenez. But that’s the way the guy in the story pronounced his own name. Former baseball player Alex Avila and his dad Al pronounce their last names differently. Play-by-play announcer Ian Eagle pronounces his first name "Eye’-an) as opposed to “Ee’an”. WTF? Can you imagine how many times that dude has had to correct people calling his name during daily life “No, its “Eye’an”, thanks.”


Listen, assholes: cut the crap with the library books. I know there are a lot of you but I mean in particular the d-bag who checked out As I Lay Dying from Kishner branch. It’s past due, so freakin’ return it. If you decide to renew it I really don’t know what to tell you. It’s 261 freakin’ pages. If you can’t read that in 14 days you should be concentrating on Minecraft or streaming Gilligan’s Island reruns or something appropriate to your level. Now, if you can find it in your filthy, crooked, disgusting little heart to return it by tomorrow, I’ll be able to pick it up downtown before I fly out Tuesday.
I’d like to share with you, whomever you are, the gentle words that my mother would often share with me when I was a young lad. She’d sit me on her lap and say sweetly “Don’t be such a dickhead.” Then she’d backhand me across the face. So bring the goddamned book back.


Used to work briefly at a bar in Australia with an Ian pronounced ‘Eye-an’ (a kiwi) and the whole bar/restaurant staff basically decided his pronunciation was wrong and said it the normal way haha


Libraries are SOCIALISM!


As if the annual deluge of sappy Christmas music everywhere isn’t annoying enough (for me at least), now Fred Meyer has stepped it up and made it worse by somehow transforming an awful GooGoo Dolls song into a sappy Christmas ditty with big-headed emoti-cartoons. Kill this thing with fire and pay the premium to shoot the ash pile into space.

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brule opinion

Willing to reconsider the ad if redone w/ live action Steve Brule as grandpa


We do kindle books through our library sometimes, but library only has a certain number of “copies” they can loan out at any given time. We’ve never actually encountered that problem, but it could apparently happen.

Is this one of the books on some ban lists? I was reading somewhere that these mom groups have a list of these books so they can check them out of their local library and then also flood the waitlist so that anybody that actually wants to read it will get to see the physical book any time soon.

Our library stopped assessing fines on overdue books and I’m convinced (based on absolutely nothing) that it’s leading to substantially longer wait times.

I am an old soul. An old, old, old soul. So absolutely not. I also have my papers delivered to my driveway rather than my computer.

Not so far as I know. It’s certainly been banned by a school district here and there, but so has almost every book of any merit. Here in the benighted city of Tulsa OK parents seem more concerned with LGBTQ+ content than the occasional blasphemy.

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Absolutely agree with this.

I’d say it’s based on human nature and logic.

It’s contrary to the Freakonomics story about the daycare that started charging parents when they were late to pick up their kids!

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Aren’t you on the OSU faculty? You know ILL will get almost anything in the world for you?

Lots of confounding variables between the two. I’d suspect if they charged even more for late pickups you would get something similar to the library situation.

Yeah. I agree with you and am just being argumentative.