Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

That’s cool. I do that all the time too, as most are well aware.

It’s true that I work for a university in Ohio. But ILL for purely personal books seems like cheating.

This attitude enrages my wife, who frequently wants me to be the one to send emails to our kids’ schools from my work email, because she thinks they’ll be more impressed/intimated. And I say no.

Lol, I’m with your wife on this stuff. Although it must be said that I own an (illegal) scanned version of the Library of Congress’s copy of “Beyond Counting”

I’m on team spidercrab here. I also highly doubt that a kids school is going to react any differently to a parent email because it comes from an @edu address.

I like using my work email for work and my not work email for not work. Don’t like to cross the streams.

Can’t wait to rub this in her face.


Ftr I agree with the email bit. I would have to imaginre that 50% of the parents in Ohio have an emai anyway. Hell, I probably still have one.

We had a delivery window of 12-4 this afternoon for a new dishwasher to be delivered. They called, texted and emailed us yesterday to confirm they were coming between 12 and 4. 4:00 rolled around, and of course there’s no dishwasher, otherwise why would I be posting in this thread?

We start calling to try and find out where our dishwasher is. First guy my wife talks to is in the incredibly ironically-named Customer Care department. He says our delivery is scheduled for a 3:30-7:30 window, essentially calls my wife a liar when she says it was 12-4 because we’re not allowed to take deliveries after 5 in our building, and is otherwise thoroughly unhelpful and rude.

Second guy is the sales rep we originally dealt with, who sounds completely stunned when my wife recounted the first call. He apologizes profusely and tries to put us through to the delivery team, but gets disconnected.

We call him back, and get his voice mail, but the message has the extension for the delivery team, so we call them. As she’s on the phone with them, I FINALLY get a call from someone else in delivery — the battery in the truck died, and all the deliveries have been pushed back. No answer when I ask why they didn’t call people when they realized this instead of four hours later. The guy said ours will likely arrive between 7 and 8:30, which means at bare minimum, I’m probably going to have to deal with at least one miserable resident of this building who’ll complain that there aren’t supposed to be deliveries after 5.

I really hope there’s not a part 2 to this post, but luck doesn’t appear to be on my side for that today, so stay tuned.

tl;dr: image


Part 2 wasn’t very exciting, but still not without incident.

The delivery people buzz up from the front door. My wife answers and tell them they’re not allowed to come in through the front door, deliveries can only be taken from the back. They seemed very confused, saying that it’s just a small appliance, but my wife insists and says she’ll meet them around back. She leaves.

A couple minutes later, the delivery guys show up at the door. I let them in, they deliver the dishwasher and a junction box we’d also bought, and I sign for everything. One guy has already left unbeknownst to me, and the second guy is wishing me a nice evening and turning to go when I call him back and told him he’s also to be removing the old dishwasher. He calls the other guy back, they grab the old dishwasher and leave.

All though this, my wife hasn’t come back upstairs, which I found strange. Right after they left, I picked up my phone and noticed she’d texted me a couple of minutes earlier from the back door…

Needless to say, this store has lost our business.

It’s obviously a bad experience, but I think that a lot of stores contract out the delivery and installation services and that’s why it’s so shitty. We bought appliances from a decent store with good reviews and the guys that showed up to deliver were fucking Dumb And Dumber.

My Mac: Battery is getting low!

Me: Ok here you go

Mac: (shows plug icon but not lightning bolt)

Me: Why aren’t you charging?

Mac: Don’t feel like it

Me: (switches cord to other side of Mac)

Mac: Ok now I can charge

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Way late but I am this guy and I am truly sorry. I keep renewing the same book every couple weeks and I’ve gotten like 20 pages into it. I want to read it, really!

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The current internet/device password system is elder abuse.

Got my mom an Ipad. Dozens of scary/confusing warnings and trying to figure out passwords later, it’s sort of set up. I swear I typed the same password into her AOL mail 3 times, and it just magically worked the third time for some reason.

Her password system incorporates the site name as the only difference. So it’s totally crackable, as I’ve explained to her many times. But the alternative is her never being able to log in to anything again once the device or browser forgets her password.

No way she could ever figure out a password manager. And of course don’t pick the wrong one, or the wrong kind of vault password, or it could be hacked! Well duh mom, everyone knows that. What’s wrong with you?

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Woke up to this. Great timing!

My sister in Georgia said that roughly 30 of her neighbors have had pipes burst. I honestly don’t understand how that happens, and I especially don’t understand how it’s not happening to my house in these zero degree temperatures. People talk about turning off the water supply to their exterior faucets, but I don’t think I’m able to even do that? So I assume the pipes going into my garage and the two external faucets are in imminent danger.

Anyway, good luck.

yeah if your house isn’t properly winterized things can get shitty. You can try setting your faucets to drip a little to try to keep water moving to prevent freezing.

I got so lucky, the neighbors have family in and one of the guys is a contractor who knew what to do.

Obviously impossible to get a plumber to respond on Christmas, plus this is happening all over since nobody’s house is built to deal with this.

Really? Usually the pipe will have a valve between your main water supply and your exterior faucet. Can you see the pipes and track the exterior faucet pipe to your main water supply? My exterior pipes have a value just inside the exterior wall that I can shut off.

Can’t she use the one that comes with the ipad?

I am pretty sure that in the closet where our main water supply comes in, there are only two valves: the master shutoff, and the valve for our sprinkler system, which gets turned off in the winter. We have 3 at risk(?) faucets - one in the garage, one on the front exterior, and one on the back exterior. I can’t imagine where any valves for those would be.

She is now, but she wasn’t before. Not that she would have any idea where the saved passwords are coming from.

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