Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

For me the valves are accessible from the basement, there is a main valve where the water comes in the house and then there are pipes that run along the the ceiling in the basement where I can pop off the drop ceiling tile and see them. Just where the pipe exits the house to feed the exterior faucet, there is a valve just inside the wall.

Every two weeks I have to reset my dads Google password.

No matter how I write it down. He always forgets
Eventually one of his browsers will log him out. He will reset it successfully but then forget where he wrote it down or what it is.

Next time I go around I’ll reset it again. Rinse repeat.


I have the same struggles with my parents. They are so insanely bad at password management. My mom insists on keeping every password handwritten on the same sheet of paper that she updates every time a new account is added or a password is changed. We’re talking hundreds of login details on there. It looks like a relic that Indiana Jones would uncover. An indecipherable ancient text. And I’m the one tasked with deciphering it. It’s infuriating.

I get that having unique and secure passwords is a challenge for people in the 60s and 70s who lived half their lives without computers, but dear lord is it equally challenging for me to not blow a gasket every time I’m asked for password help.

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I’ve said this before I think. My dad also insists on using linux. Trying to trouble shoot his issues remotely during lockdown was literally the most frustrating experience of my life.

I feel slightly better about it now, just because he was getting scammed by a fraudster over the phone, and the only thing that save him was the same thing. Installer trying to get him to do stuff on linux.

This sounds like maybe the most secure password process?

Ehhh not really. I mean its secure in the sense that its encoded in a way even she has trouble figuring out sometimes, and it can’tbe hacked. But she also uses small variations of the same two basic passwords for everything. And if that paper ever gets lost or destroyed she will be she’d be locked out of everything.

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I have had enough of the Lume deodorant woman, just enough. Please, no more.


I have to mute Dr. Karen whenever I hear her soccer mom voice coming through the screen to tell women they’re getting more putrid as the day progresses, even though they’re just sitting around watching Law and Order.

Whoever decided to make the Word and Outlook icons one micro-shade of blue apart should be given the Full Metal Jacket soap in a sock treatment.

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The Outlook app SUCKS

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Outlook used to be brown! Why change?

I’m the stupidest man in america. Wtf hasn’t the 11am sporting event I want to watch not started at now 1128AM? Of course not, the start time means nothing. Oh great, now Bobby Orr is shooting the puck to Jason Varitek as throwing out the first pitch. Shame on me for not tuning in until like 1125. Oh, its 1132 and still no f’ing puck drop.

Because you haven’t been watching MLS national broadcasts lately.

Since simply paying for an Apple TV subscription without an ITunes account was such a hassle, this doesn’t surprise me. Still pisses me off. “I’m sure it’s easy to do” I just said to a couple family members.

Set up Family Sharing in the Apple TV app

Family Sharing lets you share viewing privileges with up to six family members. One adult in your household—the family organizer—invites family members to join the family group and agrees to pay for any purchases made by family members.

Activate Family Sharing

You can’t activate Family Sharing directly in the Apple TV app. You must set up Family Sharing on a Mac, iOS, or iPadOS device.

Speaking of Apple annoyances, I (apparently) made the mistake of setting up a separate Apple ID for my work iPhone, which i set up using a second line through my existing Verizon account. Now I want to close down a line. I just want to move my data/pictures/contacts/etc from one account to the other so I can go to a single phone/line/account.

You can’t have two different accounts that use the same phone number.

You cannot merge Apple accounts.

You can’t transfer the data easily from one ID to another unless you use Family Sharing…which completely defeats my goal of trying to eliminate a phone line and shut down one of the Apple IDs.

I have trouble believing that there is no solution to this, as it seems like I can’t possibly be the first person facing this issue. I’m to the point where I’m ready to just take my phones into an Apple store, hand them to one of the employees, and just tell them to fix it.

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I felt like having some ice cream last night. Here’s what I found:

Hmm, this feels light. Open it up:



This is slander, sir. That is a Kroger ad, not a Meijers ad.

Kroger is going all-in with the emoti-cartoon guys, the whole store is plastered with them.

Fred Meyer isn’t Meijer, and Kroger owns the former.

Well that’s just ridiculous if we have both a Meijers and a Meyers.

I’m getting deja vu