Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

It was the best $37 large pizza I’ve had.

It was fine, nothing special, not going back.

I hope that was some artisanal ass pepperoni.

Only the plumpest, most puckered lips and assholes.

You try a pie from Boludo yet?

It’s 3:30 in the morning and I’m awake because the smoke detector battery alert went off. Why don’t these things ever happen at convenient times like when I’m not sleeping?


That happened to me recently, also at 3a.

Couldn’t find the culprit so changed the batteries in all of them.

Fuck rain.

I know. I live in the Pacific Northwest and rain is very much part of the experience living here.

But it’s fucking June and we’ve had like half a day of sunshine this entire year.

Any time I come across stories of these fucking ebay scammers ripping people off repeatedly with no repercussions it instantly ruins my day.

This is kind of in the weeds but shows there are really no boundaries to their scamming and forgery.

Like everyone else I enjoy a good clip on the internets but when was the law passed that they all need to be accompanied by some kind of zany, wacky music? The kind of music where I picture the instrumentalists trying to maintain eye contact and make silly faces with the audience while playing. Is there an archive of this kind of annoying music for funny clips? If someone put this music on in a car you’d be weirded out. The clips are fine, could do without the buffoonery of slide whistles, farting horns and what not. Mute.


That asshole should get out of the dog’s pool, IMO.


Isnt it a reference to silent movie slapstick comedies?

Oh my god if you ever feel like pissing yourself off in the middle of the day try to update your credit card information with Apple while using a Dell laptop and refusing to download ITunes or whatever other programs they just assume you’d be delighted to have. I need to enter 7 digits (security code and updated exp date) and it’s taken more than an hour with support (ongoing). The end of Severance better be worth it.

EDIT: Jesus christ


I tried to sign up for Apple TV without having a single Apple product.It kept asking to download this or that or sign up for something else. It ended me with yelling at my screen, “just take my credit card information and let me watch TV.” I never was able to

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I muttered some version of that like a dozen times over the course of about 2 hours resolving that nonsense. I finally got transferred to a woman who said she was “the highest level there” and once it was finally taken care of she was excited because she “hadn’t had this problem before! Like they say, ‘you learn something new every day!’” The problem was that my card expired and had a new security code and exp date. That and my refusal to download Apple programs simply to update that information. Maybe I’ll go into some training file about customers who refuse to auto sign-up for all Apple services. What a total waste of time.

People ask me why I’ve never owned or use Apple products and this is the reason.

The first iPods required you to use itunes to put music on them, meanwhile every other mp3 player you could just move files around like a thumb drive.

Appears they haven’t changed anything.

The assumption by them that I’m an Apple fan and would of course want all their services was so annoying. It’s like they’re trained on making “you’re weird” noises when you out yourself as a non Apple fanboi.

“OK, go into your ITunes”
“I don’t have ITunes”
“Oh, uh ok. Installation is very easy. Go to-”
“I don’t want ITunes. I just want to update the CC code and expiration date for my AppleTV subscription”
“Oh, uh hmm wow, don’t have ITunes? Ok let’s see, what device are you using: Iphone, Ipad, Macbook?”
“I’m on none of those. I’m on a Dell laptop with a great connection, I’m logged in to the AppleID site, what do I do to update?”
“Please hold.”
“Hi I’m Branlynn, we’re going to have you share your screen-”
“I don’t want to do that. It’s just the date and code on my CC I want to update.”
“Uhhh, ok. Well open ITunes and-.”
“I don’t have ITunes and I don’t want to download it. I just want to update my CC information.”
“So you aren’t using ITunes, hmm, ok. I’m going to transfer you to a senior associate”

Rinse, repeat


green text people itt

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What the fuck is it about people and free shit? I’ll never forget this one retailer I was working at about 9 years ago (at their HQ). Every once in a while they’d have excess of something and they’d stick it in this area right near where my team worked and far away from most people. It was picked over almost instantly all the time. One day they put out free tupperware ripoff sets and I’m walking by as they do and am like “cool I’ll grab one”. As I’m walking away there’s literally 20 white collar workers running, full sprint, down the hall at me. Only thing they never took was hemmeroid cream…

Today we put out our old cat trees for garbage to take away. They’re filthy, matted down fur, some 10 years old. Wife is on the deck and some gal is like “can I have these” and she just shrugs. Then she says “…did your cats die?”. :expressionless:

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