Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

They’re not looking at the door behind them plus if the front door is good enough to enter, it’s good enough to exit.

Oh, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweet Baby Jesus. I wish I could understand this stuff. But it never makes any sense.

I think it’s really as simple as never thinking about other people. Like it literally never occurs to them to consider the perspective of the person that is getting on the front of the bus.


Because the last time most Americans have been on a bus was as a child on a school bus where everybody gets on and off at the front door.


The same people who park their grocery cart sideways in the aisle and stand next to it, completely oblivious of everyone else they are inconveniencing. Often I wish for this bliss of viewing the world through the narrow sliver of Only Me.


Alpha respect alpha. This is my half of the aisle. You can get by when I’m done.

I’m a moron for assuming Omaha would have public transit that gets within a few miles of their baseball stadium.

Me: Ok what brings you in today?

Pt: My back has been hurting since February, when I fell 10 feet onto my back and was unconscious for 30 minutes. I went to trauma center, but they didn’t do anything.

Me: Wait what? They didn’t do any testing?

Pt: Well, they took a bunch of blood tests, did some CT scans, and watched me overnight, but they didn’t do anything

Fucking hell dude.

Not a rant but seems to fit this thread…

Staying at an Airbnb


“Extra bonus points”? Like, what, a rebate?

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A bad review can make it harder to rent a place in the future. A good review can I guess raise your score and make it easier to rent.

Other than putting fresh sheets on the bed, this is fairly standard check out procedure at VRBOs/AirBnBs.

I’ve never encountered this before.

My gf and I did a lot of VRBOs. Some asked you to put stuff in the washer and start it. We always cleaned up after ourselves and washed the dishes.

We didn’t exactly clean the bathroom though, which I assume isn’t what this means. Did you have to pay a cleaning fee?

The listing includes a $20 cleaning fee. I’m broke so I stay in the cheapest places so I think the expectations of guests usually aren’t high. I’ve never come across a request to clean the sheets.

I’m alone and don’t do any cooking to speak of so leaving the bathroom and kitchen in the shape I found it requires zero effort.

I’m traveling around doing “live reporting” at AAA and NCAA baseball games and any random soccer match that fits the schedule in whatever city I’m in. Go to the games and report balls and strikes etc over the phone to someone in the Philippines to facilitate in-game betting (I think). It works out pretty well because AAA teams play six game series from Tue-Sun.

I’m in Omaha right now. My dumb ass didn’t bother researching the location of their baseball stadium or Omaha’s public transit. The stadium is five miles away from the bus. I first thought this might be a red state keep certain types of people away sort of thing but it’s literally in the middle of farm country so I guess they’re trying to keep everyone away.

My Airbnb is a 2.5 mile walk from the bus on the opposite side (which I wouldn’t mind at all by itself). Its supposed to rain all evening but unless they cancel the game early I need to get over there just in case (I’m already on my way lol). I’m going to be in a great mood tonight. (No game = 25% pay if I’m there already, 0 if it’s cancelled early)

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Are you trying to report on a Storm Chasers game? If so, can’t you just listen to the game on internet radio?

No, have to attend the matches in person (and take pictures to prove it).

The clean up after yourself seems more than normal. Most places I’ve stayed do request you start dishes and dirty towels. For cleaning, standard seems to be take out trash and don’t leave place a mess, but no actual cleaning required.

Yeah but he said he’s staying at the cheapest place he could find - so I imagine the hosts have seen some disasters.

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Presented without comment

fyi @DUCY


that’s the place in the old Smash Burger spot right? I’ve been thinking about trying it, was it good?

You don’t really Love Pizza unless you pay $37 for a large!