Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

That makes you one of the lucky ones.

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I do have some Tony’s in contacts, I just limit the contacts Alexa has access to. When we first got Alexa, my daughter thought it was fun to try and call her friends (who we of course did not have in contacts, so instead she called a few random people with the same names), so now it can only call our immediate family.

Made the mistake of upgrading to Windows 11…only to find out that you cannot move the taskbar from the bottom of the primary monitor. Nor can you move it to the side or top of the screen. Like, they removed the ability to drag the taskbar around entirely. This is a dealbreaker, since I use full screen apps and games on my primary monitor and drag the taskbar to my secondary monitor.

Fuck that shit. Why take away something that’s been part of windows since Win 95? So fucking stupid.

Back to Windows 10 I go!


Aww. I kind of miss the days when Bill Gates was the billionaire bad guy we all hated.


People who drive with led blue white headlights are fucking assholes.

The Venn diagram of these shitbirds and those that ride your ass has to be near 100%.

“Active military” boarding airplanes first. Fuck off. How about we let teachers and nurses on first.


Fuck yeah!

Shit reminds me of this

This is such a good take.


Lotta good food takes on Twitter.


Would be great if when you click through it’s just a pristine white wall.

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Finally tried the Cosmic Crisps. My experience was it’s a slightly inferior Honeycrisp.

Not confident at all that what I’m getting in Little Rock is the real deal.

How do you get instacart and door dash to NOT RING YOUR FUCKING DOORBELL??? Because apparently writing “don’t ring the doorbell, just leave it” as your delivery note doesn’t fucking work. Do I have to text each individual person who is getting my order and tell them? What the fuck man its 9:30 at night who rings a fucking doorbell that late?


That’s my opinion as well.

It’s a great apple, just not quite as great as the GOAT.

We have taped a sign on the door sometimes. It’s actually for the opposite request. We’re expecting a delivery and we want them to ring, so we don’t leave it out long and risk someone stealing it (which happened a couple of times to us a while a go).

Ok that’s a good idea. One of my friends has a “don’t ring the doorbell. baby sleeping” note on their door and they don’t have a baby.

I don’t even know why we have a doorbell its like it’s only used by delivery drivers to annoy us.

I don’t care if my ice cream and snacks get left out and stolen, but I do care if my roommates get woken up because the Instacart driver decides to not even look at the delivery note.

I’m really thinking I have to send each driver a message through Instacart that says something obnoxious but also makes this perfectly clear. “Don’t ring my doorbell. Just leave the packages and walk away. Please reply that you have received this message and understand. Thank you.”

Thought cosmic crisp was the GOAT apple when I tried it a month or so ago. Like a honeycrisp but with more tart is how I’d describe the ones I had. Also $1.50 less per lb. Only apple ill buy going forward but I dont buy too many.

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Portland food carts are straight up fucking ripoffs now, it has to be noted. A basic sandwich, hamburger or wrap is going to run $14-18 with no sides whatsoever. I was just at a place where a lamb wrap, fries, and a non alcoholic drink was $28, get out of here with that. Oh boy do they have that Portland food cart vibe though I guess.

And the bonus is if 4 of you use the same food truck, the first person is completely done eating by the time the last gets their food.

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Some of this type of stuff I’m not too heated about (I get it though). Like seating is usually tough if you’re eating there, tipping seems a little odd when you have to do it in front of them when you haven’t even gotten food yet etc. Saw this, seems a little dated because it sounds cheap to me:


What’s the deal with Americans sitting near the middle of a bus but waddling all the way to the front to get off rather than getting off in the middle so new passengers don’t have to wait for them?

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