Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

I hadn’t ever used the twitter app, I always used Plume or TweetDeck. I opened the Twitter app and was surprised anyone could use it. Every third tweet an advertisement, but advertisements for those shitty things you see at the bottom of web pages but designed to be disguised as tweets. I don’t think I’ve had an application where using a third party to cut out ads removed so much of a headache.

This isn’t really anger, but it’s related to the trip: At one of the gas station caffeine-reloading stops, I bought this:

Which is described by Coke this way:

  • Limited edition Coca-Cola Beverage inspired by space
  • Space flavored Coca-Cola taste with a subtle cooling sensation

Very strange drink, and I don’t really know how to describe it. Kind of like Coke, infused with the inside of a Twinkie? So maybe “space flavored” is accurate? Not terrible, but also not something I’ll be looking to purchase again.

Edit: Lol, reviewbrah has a review:

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Yeah COVID was brutal for air travel.

Southwest is like a lot of low-cost carriers in that they suck balls and are only hoping that you don’t have the time or energy to complain long enough and often enough to get your full refund and possibly more.

I had two flights to Bulgaria and one leaving Bulgaria canceled on me. Thankfully, they were canceled well in advance and I was able to make adjustments to my schedule (I’m also just one person). I was able to get my money back though it took 4 months for Bulgaria Air to credit my account.

Hah we bought some of those, gruelle’s reaction was “so thats what liquid cotton candy tastes like”

Another UP data point—My brother and SIL had their flight out of Orange County to Newark cancelled about 12 hours before the flight this past Saturday. Were able to get on as standby at LAX and arrived home 30 minutes earlier than would have.

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Yeah I almost always look at twitter on my mac, with ad-block on. Either it does a good job of cutting out the ads, or they just don’t bother on the desktop.

My wife described it as Coke mixed with roasted marshmallow

United I think

You should check if you are entitled to further compensation. Air travellers in the EU have pretty decent protections and rights.

Probably too late for that. Plus, Bulgaria Air only has one flight from Prague and I don’t think I’ll be going to Bulgaria again.

You would have been entitled to cash payments. Unfortunately any Covid related cancellations have been exempt and if „well in advance“ more than two weeks you would have been out of luck as well.

Anyway, for future reference:

The good news is that there are several commercial services where you can enter your information online and they take care of it for you in exchange for a reasonable fee that is only payable if the claim is successful. You don‘t have to deal with the airline directly.

Oh hey it’s Easter weekend. I guess it snuck up on me again. But then again what dumbass fucking “holiday” has just over a month dates of when it can occur. That just allows it to sneak up on you since who the fuck know when it is going to happen. Well we will see if parents guilt me into attending Easter service to hear about Jesus dying for my sins. Hey if you could just get resurrected 3 days later then good for you.

Let’s trick kids into caring about Easter by hiding candy from them.

Also most self respecting holidays can at least occur during the week so you can have a day off.


Isn’t the Friday before Easter a universal holiday?

Stonks are closed. Peons have to work.

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As it should be.

It’s a state holiday in a fair number of states. In those places a lot more than stonks are closed.

Fancy sinks.

This isnt complicated. You need space to wash your hands or fill a cup. The sink should be able to contain a moderate amount of water.

Why would anyone want a flat sink with half a hands room under the tap???

“What you need to know” has always pissed me off wrt to news stories, unless it’s something like whether or not a wildfire is headed your way.

But this is by far the most surreally egregious use of the term I’ve ever seen or heard.

I hate that new Alexa ad where they are in the car and the woman says “Alexa call Tony.” Every time my Alexa responds that it can’t call Tony since I don’t have a Tony in my contacts.

Are they intentionally trolling us? I can’t believe they don’t know that the ad would set off people’s Alexas.